Carl Crow

Earth Brown Bear North Texas, USA ”I create a world of love by acting with awareness, aware of my actions.” Carl is a loving and admirable man, very involved with the MKP community, Spirituality, and Service. Carl is living his mission of loving awareness by...

Bill Lauer

Mountain Lion Wisconsin, USA “I Build Bridges between Diverse Groups of Men.” Bill does the multi-cultural work that many only talk about. He has lead many projects activities and weekends that focus on Prisoners Drug Addicts, Sexual Abuse Survivors and...

Bjorn Ratjen

Father Bear British Columbia, Canada ”I sustain a world of harmony by being in tune.” Bjorn has been involved in community for many years – including volunteering with Amnesty International, the local fire department and as a trauma counselor when unfortunate...

Alan Clammer

Grandfather Leopard Santa Barbara, USA ”I bring more integrity into the world by modeling accountability, mentoring the uninitiated and honoring a “second chance” concept in supporting my fellow man.” Alan purchased a town home complex in Atlanta, Georgia...

Carl Lakari

Loving Deer New England, USA ” Create Alive Community through Compassionate Support.” Carl Lakari is Co-Founder of Project AWARE which has served thousand of teens by helping raise awareness about teen issues and empowering them to take leadership roles in their...

Joe Kort, Ph.D., LMSW

Powerful Bull Windsor/Detroit, Canada/USA ”To make the world a safer place by being out and open.” I am open about being gay in my personal and professional life to be a role model for others to witness someone of a...