Richard Renner

Three Hawks Rising
Kansas City Heartland, USA

Richard Renner

” To create a world of love and forgiveness through the expression of Joy.”

Richard is a clown…literally. He has been a professional clown and Vaudville entertainer for 27 years. He is willing to provoke laughter by any means.

Michael Bungay Stanier

Left Handed Kangaroo
Toronto Canada

Michael Bungay Stanier

” To infect one billion people with the possibility virus.”

Michael Bungay Stanier is the founder and Senior Partner of Box of Crayons, a company that helps organizations all over the world do less Good Work and more Great Work. He has written a number of successful books.

Mark E. Rowley

Food Lion
Florida, USA

Mark E. Rowley

I create a world or trust, transparency and compassion by first modeling it.”

Mark Rowley works as a firefighter, paramedic, college instructor and Coast Guard Reservist in Jacksonville, Florida. In his capacity as a paramedic, he provides emergency medical support to the community, often serving patients who are in extreme health crises.

Daniel Sullivan

Wild Hawk
Upstate New York, USA

Daniel Sullivan

” I create a joyful and vibrant world of cultivated potential by affirming others, virtuous action, and contemplation.”

Dan has been volunteering his time in support of Borgne, Haiti as a community organizer supporting Grassroots Sustainable development. He facilitates improvements in sustainable agriculture, fisheries and clean water initiatives by facilitating sustainable project development, implementation and management.

Ken Rogers

Ancient Hawk
Houston, South Central, USA

Ken Rogers

2nd honoree for working to bring Action in the World to his Center

Ken is a member, leader, and elder of Men in Mission, an organization of more than four thousand men in the Houston area. Men in Mission helps men from all walks of life to become better fathers, sons, husbands, employees, leaders, and servants. Because of Ken’s influence, men throughout Houston and places across the country have turned away from drugs, crime, infidelity, gambling, abuse, and poverty to embrace lives of integrity and service. In recent years, Ken has turned his attention to building Men in Mission into a strong service organization. Under his leadership, men are now serving others across the city of Houston – at soup kitchens, churches, homeless shelters, and wherever volunteers are needed. To many, many men in Houston, Ken is a hero, a father figure, a mentor, and an incredible model of what we can all become.

Peter Tarshis

Gentle Bear with Wild Horses
Toronto, Canada

Peter Tarshis

”As a Man among men I create a world of Love thru my actions”

Peter gives his time and energy to a variety of organizations including the Scott Mission, Habitat for Humanity and Out of the Cold. At Out of the Cold, he regularly organizes groups of 60 on call volunteers to support the preparation and serving of meals, housing, food & clothing banks; all to people in the Toronto core. He also has served as an advocate for The Seeds of Hope Foundation, a shelter based charity in Toronto which oversees the Alano – Broadview Club and Our Homes & Nazareth House for men & women in Recovery. Peter has also worked through the Realtor Cares Foundation of Ontario to raise tens of thousands of dollars to support the Seeds of Hope Foundation. 

David Perez

Fun Fucking Dragon
Florida, USA

David Perez

”I create a passionate world through my grounded and blessing leadership.”

Dave is a therapist who works with a wide variety of clients (including warrior brothers) in recovery. Specifically, his focus is in treating co-occurring disorders – recognizing that often, treatment for addiction and treatmentfor mental go hand-in-hand. He is currently the Clinical Director of La Paloma Treatment Center in Memphis, TN.

David Yarrow

Dancing Butterfly
Kansas, USA

David Yarrow

”To restore the earth by renewing the minerals and trace elements in soil so that all life can flourish again.”

David Yarrow’s vision of reconciliation between Man and Nature begins with least of all: trace minerals and micro-organisms in soil. He uses sea minerals, rock powders, compost, compost tea, biochar and cover crops to restore soil to sustainable productivity.

Sonny Elliott

Listening Hawk the Seer
South Central, Houston, USA

Sonny Elliott

”I create a world of flourishing relationships with joy, love, and wisdom.”

Sonny Elliott has led a very active life and has operated in myriad environments, including many areas of business. Since 1991 he has supported MKP and has served as a family counselor and author for “iParenting,” a division of Disney. He has also published articles on communications and relationships, writing “Mom, Dad, are You Listening?,” which received critical acclaim and national exposure on over 40 TV and radio stations. 


Fred Dewey

Accepted Lion
Upstate New York, USA

Fred Dewey

“My mission is to create a world of LOVE and ACCEPTANCE, by demonstrating and teaching it.”

Fred has directly contributed to the transformation of thousands of lives through his work as President of LifeStream/LifeResults and board member of A.R.E. (Edgar Cayce’s association) and the A.R.E. Camp) LifeStream teaches people how to spend much more of their time coming from love and mission, and much less time coming from the shadows of fear, anger, sadness and pretense. 

Michael Shaffran

Lion Heart
Santa Barbara, USA

Michael Shaffran

“My mission is to empower, boys, adolescents and men to grow psychologically, emotionally and spiritually.”

Michael has worked in CA prisons; particularly at Coalinga State Hospital – a facility for Sexual Violent Predators (SVPs) – where he worked with over 1000 men. He also ran Father and Son groups at CSH for almost 2 years to help men heal from their broken childhoods (90% of these men had no fathers or their fathers left when they were children or they were abused by them). At Kaiser Permanente he ran men’s groups for almost 10 years. This, in addition to private practice. 

William Thiele

Bull Elk
New Orleans, USA

William Thiele

“I create contemplative communities by listening in stillness and serving in joy.”

Following his initiation in 2008 he founded a School for Contemplative Living, gathered a steering committee to sustain the initial vision, and established a series of weekly, monthly, and annual gatherings in support of his mission. 

Maury Boehmer

Mystical Bear
St. Louis, USA

Maury Boehmer

”I create a world of love by finding my true self and being that presence in the world.”

For the past couple years Maury has volunteered as a math tutor at an organization called Women In Charge. He works 2+ hours every week with these women to help them get their GED. He also focuses on lifting their spirits, encouraging hope in their lives, and helping them to improve their self-esteem.

Christophe DePierre

Alive Wolf
Europe Francophone

Christophe DePierre

”To awake others to the intensity of their lives by fully living mine.”

For years, Christophe has been intensely active in accompanying drug addicts and dying persons, including by leading men’s groups in prison. He now leads emotional intelligence trainings for musicians and the public.

John Larsen

Laughing Muskox
Edmonton, Canada

John Larsen

”To create a more loving world by being more loving.”

John has been very active in the effort to revitalize his community as a site coordinator for our two annual festivals and other events. He has been designated “Volunteer Extraordinaire “. He also works as a volunteer for “Arts on the Avenue” and Alberta Avenue Community League and delivers the Rat Creek Press – our local paper.

Mariano Rabino

Open Hearted Wolf
Los Angeles, USA

Mariano Rabino

”I co-create a loving caring world by growing as much love within myself and cultivating that in the world!”

For over 8 years Mariano has taken an active role in the lives of 50 kindergarten, first and second graders at an inner city Los Angeles school. In addition to appearances during special holidays to read to the children, he comes bearing gifts of “Trick or Treat” bags, flashlights, books and candy. He spends time reading books, he accompanies them on field trips and talking with the children and makes them feel as if they are the most important children in the world. Mariano also volunteered for Project Angel Food. His gift to the community is his ability to connect with those he serves, children and adult alike, on a very personal and sincere level providing support and encouragement.


Patric Roberts and Sam La Deaux

Partic: Mushin Mato Wambli
Sam: Wambli
Colorado, USA

Patric Roberts and Sam La Deaux

”I co-create a child centric future caring for all of tomorrow’s sacred beings in the household of our shared humanity.” — Patric

”As a man among men I allow adults to feel their inner child and allow children to be children.” — Sam

For nearly 10 years Patric has been reaching out to the men, and especially the young men, of the Lakota tribe at the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota to help them better their lives through the self-awareness that comes from many types of men’s work. He and his co-honoree Sam La Deaux, have started men’s circles on the reservation and have been responsible for making the MKP initiatory experience available to nearly two dozen native men in the past year. Patric is also intimately involved in the “Friends of the Lakota Initiative” and “The Order of the Earth”.


Nelson Oostenink

Rainbow Trout
Northwest USA

Nelson Oostenink

”I am the one who co-creates a world of open hearted men by opening mine.”

At a time of major reorganization for the Northwest Center, both in personnel and financial, Nelson devoted Herculean effort to make sure
the Center could continue in a good way. This after he got the Mt. Shasta Community started and functioning.


John Nemick

Great Bison
Wisconsin, USA

John Nemick

”I create paradise through compassionate awareness.”

John’s dedication to service began long ago in his college days when he chose the helping profession of Social Worker. Since then John has worked as a counselor helping his clients cope with their dire life emergencies. He also serves on numerous non-profit boards and on community service project teams. But beyond this specialized professional role, for the past 20-plus years he has been the coordinator of the Green Bay Zen community, hosting three services each week, and teaching yoga and Zen at St. Norbert College.


Roger Herbert Dobitz

Golden Eagle
Central Plains, USA

Roger Herbert Dobitz

”To Create an awakened world by listening to the soul’s cry.”

Roger’s mission brings a connection between the deaf world and the hearing world where he has served both in many ways. He was instrumental in creating a NWTA for the deaf and hard of hearing. He is part of several addiction recovery groups and is mentor and sponsor to several men. Roger has been involved with members of the Pine Ridge Reservation and rode a horse as REGOR the clown in the Crazy Horse pony ride. Regor the clown has entertained many children while showing them a part of the deaf world.


Thomas Filler

Playful Dog
German Speaking Center

Thomas Filler

”I create abundance of joy, love and wealth, through inner work and magi.”

Thomas created a workshop called “A King`s Initiation”. He was inspired by the idea to integrate all 4 archetypes and including their shadows in order to let the participants really feel and embrace their King inside and to being the man who is in charge of all his 4 archetypes and put them into the right order inside.

Kenny D’Cruz

Ed The Talking Horse
United Kingdom

Kenny D’Cruz

“My mission is to offer insights and tools enabling self-awareness, conscious community and abundant fulfilling lives, while freely living in abundance.”

Outside of MKP Kenny has been gathering and facilitating Open groups for men for the past 10 years and facilitating discussion groups at Men & Boys Conferences on sensitive subjects, including ‘Men, Violence and Abuse’ and ‘Men and Mental Health’. In 2012 he organised camping, comedy and cemetery trips, fire-circles, ‘Dick Dialogues’, scream-a-thons, as well as starting up mixed gender Open groups. He is a man up for any challenge and he gathers men, holding a deep safe space.

Guy Desfosses

Lion Fier
L’Est du Canada

Guy Desfosses

“Aider mon prochain au meilleur de mes connaissances, sans me perdre moi-même.”

Depuis toujours, Lion fier a fait tout ce qu’il a pu pour changer sa destiné et influencer positivement celle des autres. Par sa grande force de caractère, il a inspiré plusieurs autres personnes venant de milieux défavorisé qui, à leur tour, ont pu apprécier et apprendre à vivre une vie équilibrée.

“Help my neighbor to the best of my knowledge, without losing myself.”

Proud Lion has done all he could to change his destiny and positively influence that of others. Through his great strength of character, he inspired many other people from disadvantaged backgrounds who, in turn, were able to appreciate and learn to live a balanced life.

Dan Scaduto

Fire Buffalo
New Mexico / Southern Colorado, USA

Dan Scaduto

”My Mission is to co-create a World of Acceptance, Abundance, and Magical Love by Living in the now, Practicing forgiveness, Practicing unconditional love, and Believing in myself.”

Dan helps organize and hold quarterly sweat-lodges for the teaching and the prayers of the people. As an Experiential/Recreation Therapist Dan lives MKP and Boys to Men with his teachings to Middle school boys in Belen, Cuba, and Grants, NM in a program he calls “Men from Boys”.

Darrin D. Gray

White Stallion
Indiana, USA

Darrin D. Gray

“To help others reach their ultimate potential”

Darrin has a unique window into the NFL by virtue of his day-to-day involvement with All Pro Dad, the national fatherhood program founded by Tony Dungy. He develops innovative strategies to reach families via large-scale events, media partnerships and corporate sponsorships. With Darrin’s help All Pro Dad has conducted father and kids trainings that have directly benefited tens of thousands of families. 

Michael Erickson

Eagle Soaring with Silver Feathers
Windsor / Detroit, USA / Canada

Michael Erickson

First honoree for working to bring Action in the World to his Centre

“My goal is to facilitate missions into action–real action.”

About two years ago I began by becoming the “Windsor-Detroit Community Outreach Coordinator”. Then a year ago I began forming a plan for leveraging the strongest part of MKP–the I-Groups. I formed a six man team, representing five I-Groups to begin doing this. About this time, I discovered the MKP-USA Mission Council on a similar path and feeling very excited, joined Stephen Simmer, and others, in our work. My I-Group the “Detroit I-Group” has become very grounded in mission stretch. Using seedpod and magnet stretches almost every meeting, as well as personal stretches. Follow up on these stretches is common and effective. There is now a fourth part of the Warrior round where we set our stretches. Other WD I-Groups are beginning to find the power in the ‘intentionality’ of the mission stretch concept. Through the I-Group rep or a leader in each I-Group, my plan is to empower each man and each I-Group in mission stretch in action. This will lead to stronger I-Groups, with teamwork, moving into the outside community, where MKP can be shared. This leads to more I-Group visits by uninitiated men, more NWTAs, and reaching the million man goal! 
1. Connection with the Detroit Rescue Mission (DRM) by volunteering to serve food.
2. Donating and wrapping Christmas presents for the DRM.
3. Supporting the Unity Renaissance church Men of Today, located in WarrenMI.
4. Connecting with a famous Detroit church, called “I Am My Brother’s Keeper”. Located only a few blocks from where the Detroit I-Group meets weekly. (At the former location of Detroit Tiger Stadium baseball at Michigan and Trumbull).
5. Boarding up vacant and unsafe houses.

Ray Parrella

Joyful Bird
Kentucky, USA

Ray Parrella

“My mission is to create a peaceful world by sharing love with those around me.”

Ray has a passion for working with young adults, ages 10-16 at the Kentucky School for the Blind in Louisville, Kentucky. He takes these kids to the Louisville Zoo, Slugger Field to attend Louisville Bats pro baseball games, the Science Museum to learn by touch or for a treat to pizza parties and other special eateries around town. Peter is tireless helping his kids in Road Races for the Blind, leading the way with a shoelace. He has won the “Men of Distinction” Award for working with unprivileged children in Clark County, Indiana.


Carlos J. Legaspy

Sea Lion
San Diego, USA

Carlos J. Legaspy

”I create a world of abundance by listening, sharing and teaching.”

Carlos has worked in Mexico to build an MKP community there. He has participated in a PIT intensive, led 2 circles of men and witnessed the launching of 3 I-groups in Mexico City.


Kevin “Mr. Peace” Szawala

Unconditional Loving Falcon
Windsor / Detroit, USA / Canada

Kevin “Mr. Peace” Szawala

“To create a world full of peace, freedom and awareness by serving others through unconditional love.”

Kevin’s message of peace, love and compassion has reached over 100,000 people across the Midwest through all the performances and speeches he has done to empower youth of all ages.

Ron Goldman

Wild Dog
New England, USA

Ron Goldman

”I create a more peaceful and loving world by raising awareness about the unrecognized pain and harm experienced by children due to specific American cultural beliefs and practices.”

Ron’s work includes articles, two books for the public and professionals, founding a nonprofit organization, two websites, speaking, counseling, media interviews, and political action generally related to reducing unrecognized infant trauma.

Theodore Freedman

Halcon Digno con Frente Brillante
New Jersey, USA

Theodore Freedman

”I create a world of joy by being joyfully creative.”

Ted has volunteered for a wide variety of community projects over the years including highway cleanups, soup kitchens, staffing a home for runaway teens, supporting local families during the holidays and promoting Mission and Action in the World to his Warrior Brothers from the I Group level on up. More recently, Ted has gotten closer to his mission through a delightful educational assembly for Elementary School students and is also working on a children’s book, the proceeds of which will go to support a charity involved in research into a rare disease called GAN. He also takes care of his aging and ailing parents.

Harris Stephen Marx

Loving Wise Owl
Greater Washington Center, USA

Harris Stephen Marx

”To Co-Create a loving world by empowering and supporting men in the creation of vibrant ongoing I-Groups worldwide, as well as empowering individuals with mental health needs to reach their full potential and find their own path towards wellness and recovery.”

In support of Suicide Prevention Day Monday, 09/10/12, Harris created and executed forty (40) community suicide prevention education events in parks throughout the State of Maryland.

Peter Abrams

Courageous Kudu
British Columbia, Canada

Peter Abrams

”I create a loving, inspired world through clarity, creativity and kindness.”

Peter is a skilled facilitator who works with an interactive theatre group to raise multicultural awareness, help people touch their feelings and give our life’s most important stories the gift of honouring through re-telling.

Cole Cameron

Buffalo Heart
Northern California, USA

Cole Cameron

”Enrich community by empowering all I touch, especially youth.”

Cole says that in the mid ‘90’s, men of the South Bay Nation of Men asked, “Whats next?” His answer was, “YOUTH! Cole has worked consistently for years with many circles of men, women and youth with the intention to re-create an empowered, more conscious next generation in every local neighborhood.

Robert Dann

Wild Ox
Philadelphia Community

Robert Dann

”I create a world of trust and acceptance by amplifying love and connection to myself and others.”

Robert has been involved locally rehabbing vacant homes with a group called ‘Support Homeless Veterans’, and, with another establishing a food pantry called ‘Feed Our Vets’. He has also met people in the creative arts who use various media to promote healing. ‘Warrior Writers’ is one such group. Ultimately this led to an opportunity to step into a leadership position to help bring ‘Vets Journey Home’ to Pennsylvania this past September. “This 2.5 day retreat offers the kind of healing and transformation I have witnessed on NWTA’s.”

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