Fred Dewey

Accepted Lion Upstate New York, USA “My mission is to create a world of LOVE and ACCEPTANCE, by demonstrating and teaching it.” Fred has directly contributed to the transformation of thousands of lives through his work as President of...

Michael Shaffran

Lion Heart Santa Barbara, USA “My mission is to empower, boys, adolescents and men to grow psychologically, emotionally and spiritually.” Michael has worked in CA prisons; particularly at Coalinga State Hospital – a facility for Sexual...

William Thiele

Bull Elk New Orleans, USA “I create contemplative communities by listening in stillness and serving in joy.” Following his initiation in 2008 he founded a School for Contemplative Living, gathered a steering committee to sustain the initial vision, and established...

Maury Boehmer

Mystical Bear St. Louis, USA ”I create a world of love by finding my true self and being that presence in the world.” For the past couple years Maury has volunteered as a math tutor at an organization called Women In Charge. He works 2+ hours every week with these...

Christophe DePierre

Alive Wolf Europe Francophone ”To awake others to the intensity of their lives by fully living mine.” For years, Christophe has been intensely active in accompanying drug addicts and dying persons, including by leading men’s groups in prison. He now leads...