Ernest Patterson

Loving Tiger South Central, Houston, USA “As a man among men I co-create a world of love by loving myself, my family and my fellow man unconditionally.” Ernest has worked with adolescent clients and their families for the past thirteen years, helping them...

Dennis Ponczkowski

Glorious Falcon Upstate New York, USA “My mission is that peace be found in all relations.” Dennis has been living his mission for decades by serving on the board of directors for several local organizations, LifeResults and Sanctuary at Crowfield Farm....

Tom Daly

Wild Turkey Colorado, USA ” I foster the dance of heart and soul to build a more just, joyful, and sustainable world.” Few men in the nation have had a longer or more committed life in men’s work than Tom. Directly and indirectly Tom has touched the lives...

Yves Gilles

Living Bear Europe Francophone “I create a world of joy and healing by opening my heart.” He has been active in the AIDES association in France for over fifteen years in: Leading writing workshops for HIV infected people, Coordinating well-being workshops...

Anthony Ramirez Di Vittorio

Black Lab Chicago, USA “I create a world where father and son live in harmony, by mentoring youth into men of character.” Di Vittorio created B.A.M. in 2001 while working as a school psychologist at Roberto Clemente High school. Youth Guidance’s B.A.M....