Robert Golden

Canada • Alberta     Robert Golden “I co-create a world of fulfillment, legacy and peace by building community, inspiring others, and living through my heart.” Robert is a life-long educator, and community activist in his Puna community on the Island of...

Floyd Baptiste

Canada • Alberta     Floyd Baptiste “To be kind and loveable by helping people in society.” Floyd, initiated in September 2017, is 31 years old and lives in Wetaskiwin, Alberta. He is a compassionate, caring, Indigenous man who always looks to help others in...
Frank Asher

Frank Asher

Pregnant Papa Seahorse USA • Mid Atlantic Area     Frank Asher “Co-create a space or place by bringing people and plants together allowing this connection to benefit our environment as well as our culture.” I created a company called Fairies’ Crossing...
Charlie Bauer

Charlie Bauer

El Lobo (The Wolf)USA Northwest     Charlie Bauer “I create a world of joy, ease and freedom through connection, love, and forgiveness.” Charlie funneled $89,000 in community donations after the Alameda fire into survival necessities for migrant families...
Nick Schalk

Nick Schalk

Pit Bull Watched Over By Eagle Spirit USA • St. Louis     Nick Schalk “I create the world of unconditional love, by authentically being divinely who I am” Nick initiated in the Spring of 2005. In the years since, he has served and represented...