Stephen Balkam

Armadillo with Wings Greater Washington, DC Community, USA “I create an enlightened world through love, passion, service and fun. ” Stephen leads an international effort to make the online world safer for kids and their families. He convenes and facilitates the...

Frank Paolotto

Radiant Phoenix Eagle Greater Washington, USA ”With love and strength, I co-create a world that encourages and protects the dreams and visions of youth.” Frank helped start Boys-to-Men Greater Washington and mentored other BTM centers on the East Coast. He has also...

Theodore Freedman

Halcon Digno con Frente Brillante New Jersey, USA ”I create a world of joy by being joyfully creative.” Ted has volunteered for a wide variety of community projects over the years including highway cleanups, soup kitchens, staffing a home for runaway teens, supporting...

Harris Stephen Marx

Loving Wise Owl Greater Washington Center, USA ”To Co-Create a loving world by empowering and supporting men in the creation of vibrant ongoing I-Groups worldwide, as well as empowering individuals with mental health needs to reach their full potential and find their...

Ned Helme

Trusting Great Bear Greater Washington, USA “Through knowledge, power and persistence I foster coalitions for the global good.” Ned played an instrumental role in the development and passage of the Clean Air Act Amendments in 1990, which established the...