Mike McIntyre

Owl Los Angeles, USA ”I co-create loving communities by listening, teaching, and blessing.” Mike volunteers with the American Red Cross providing relief to victims of local and national disasters, training new volunteers, teaching first-aid classes and...

Bill Megalos

Crow Los Angeles, USA ”I create a world of peace and justice through speaking my truth and empowering others to speak theirs.” Bill Megalos has been providing haircuts to the homeless community of Santa Monica, CA for the past 10...

Mariano Rabino

Open Hearted Wolf Los Angeles, USA ”I co-create a loving caring world by growing as much love within myself and cultivating that in the world!” For over 8 years Mariano has taken an active role in the lives of 50 kindergarten, first and second graders at an inner city...

Dick Granoff

Playful Lion Los Angeles, USA “I cultivate inner peace within myself and others by watering the seeds of love, compassion, joy and gratitude that are in us all.” Since retiring in 2006, Dick has touched the lives of others via a variety of volunteer...

Michael Lee

Magnificent Loving Lion Los Angeles USA “I create a safe container for healing through my courageous transparency and vulnerability.”   Michael is a facilitator for the Clare Foundation, has organized fundraising for the American Diabetes Association, has created...