Luis Bautista

Medicine Dog Houston, South Central Area, USA ”My mission is to heal, model and support people in creating a good and meaningful life.” Luis is a Life Coach, Spiritual Counselor and Healer. He was mentored by Medicine People, a Yaqui Shaman and also studied 12 years...

Ken Rogers

Ancient Hawk Houston, South Central, USA 2nd honoree for working to bring Action in the World to his Center Ken is a member, leader, and elder of Men in Mission, an organization of more than four thousand men in the Houston area. Men in Mission helps men from all...

Sonny Elliott

Listening Hawk the Seer South Central, Houston, USA ”I create a world of flourishing relationships with joy, love, and wisdom.” Sonny Elliott has led a very active life and has operated in myriad environments, including many areas of business. Since 1991 he has...

Ernest Patterson

Loving Tiger South Central, Houston, USA “As a man among men I co-create a world of love by loving myself, my family and my fellow man unconditionally.” Ernest has worked with adolescent clients and their families for the past thirteen years, helping them...