Robert Schauerhamer

King Cheetah Minnesota, USA ”My mission is to create peace by embracing change and diversity.” Bob has served many years at the Twin Cities Men’s Center holding jobs as Board Member, Board Chair and Executive Director, created a support group for healthy sexually...

Pedro Angel Serrano

Puma New Jersey, USA ”To be of service to the young.” Pedro volunteers as a radio host and producer on several radio programs serving the Gay community in central NJ and metropolitan New York City. He offers hospitality to any man in need of a place...

Mike McIntyre

Owl Los Angeles, USA ”I co-create loving communities by listening, teaching, and blessing.” Mike volunteers with the American Red Cross providing relief to victims of local and national disasters, training new volunteers, teaching first-aid classes and...

Michael Malone

Spirit Panther Florida, USA ”My creative arts – music, writing & clear voice – invite a more soulful, authentic world.” As writer and publications editor for The Children’s Trust, Michael’s stories serve to uplift the many heroes who work daily in...

Michael Fallon

Diving Otter Upstate New York, USA ”Bring miraculous changes of perception to everyone, including teens, by living loves confusing joy.” After attending several out of town Boys To Men (BTM) trainings bringing local boys to be initiated, Fallon pulled together a team...