Jerry England

USA • South Central
Jerry England
“I create a world of compassionate understanding by transforming men.
Jerry is the volunteer Treasurer for Land of My Grandfathers. He has spent countless hours working on the property, making repairs and driving his tractor. For twelve years he has been the Santa Claus for the Christmas Party for the Council on Recovery, a party for underprivileged children. He is also a volunteer Committeeman for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Jerry is a self-employed CPA. He started England & Company in 1985. Jerry loves portraying Santa Claus as a professional Santa. This has led him into an acting career, with a TV movie coming out in 2019. Jerry has been married to Ellen for twenty two years. She also works hard at Land of My Grandfathers. Jerry and Ellen live in Sugar Land, TX and loves to travel.

Bryan Molaska

Free Hawk
USA • Colorado
Bryan Molaska
“I co-create a world that is filled with an abundance of love, happiness, and deep meaningful connections by loving, supporting and empowering others in finding their true joy.”
Bryan has dedicated himself to making a positive impact on the world and the people in it. He has been involved in organizations such as Colorado Youth at Risk, Challenge Denver, Challenge Day, Denver Children’s Home, Professional Miracles Foundation and more. His involvement in these organizations ranges from mentor to community leader to volunteer to board member. Bryan happily gives of his time, money and energy in support of great causes and loves to invite and inspire others around him to do the same. Most recently Bryan, along with some of his closest friends, co-founded a chapter of Guys Who Give- an organization that raises and donates money to local nonprofits that make a difference in local communities. He is currently the Leader Body chair for MKP Colorado, has served tirelessly as a PIT leader, has helped to start I-Groups, and even a run club at his favorite brewery.

Rusty Mills

Brave Bear with Big Rooster
USA • South East
Rusty Mills
“I create a world of physical, emotional and spiritual healing by healing myself, helping others to heal and teaching others to spread healing.”
Rusty is a Nurse Anesthetist. His career is to alleviate physical pain. He helps patients deal with fear of surgery and of whatever their diagnosis is. He has used his work connections to connect uninsured friends with physicians who are willing to provide pro bono care. He also volunteers as medic for non-MKP events. The emotional part of his Life Mission involves his work in Suicide Prevention. This has included taking men to the emergency room for evaluation, meeting men where ever they are in distress, speaking with them on the phone and sharing his story. Rusty has also lead 3 funding drives for Atlanta Midtown Assistance and Lost and Found in the name of the Woof Pack Men’s Circle. Rusty served in the US Air Force 1984-2000, attaining the rank of Captain. He says that he spent the first fifty years of his life with an invisible tattoo on his forehead that said “VICTIM.” Thanks to MKP, he is starting to erase that.

Mark Mojdehi

USA • Northwest
Mark Mojdehi
“I create a World of belonging by sharing my gifts.”
Mark began prison volunteer efforts shortly after his NWTA three years ago. It took a year of badgering before he was allowed to create the now thriving music program for inmates at Columbia River Correctional Facility. The program serves the CRCI inmates and MKP volunteers wishing to serve. Mark sponsored MKP men interested in creating Inside Circles. He attended inside sessions for six months until others of his team were badged to get through security. Thanks to Mark’s generosity the program is vibrantly serving the population with two inmates committed to attending the July NWTA.
Mark’s sponsorship of unbadged MKP volunteers was at personal emotional and monetary expense until the Inside Circle team could become independent. I honor and respect Mark for his mission in action sharing his gifts, giving back and creating his World by sharing . Further, Mark is sending men from his music program to check out our Inner Circle and with Marks support we are steadily getting stronger and increasing our numbers.

Wolfgang Achterberg

Watchful Calf Biter
Wolfgang Achterberg
“I create a world full of respect by respecting other people and by bringing it out into the world and living it.”
Wolfgang is a man who is very attentive. He helps people in need. Not only financially, but also with his heart, his kindness. With his actions and vigor he serves humans and the men within MKP and offers his whole knowledge and experience to the organization. He is exacting, correct, and very fair. He is a genius for numbers. Inside he is very calm, he is very circumspect and good-natured and he has a very big heart. He is very emphatic. He’s spent more than 35 years in the chess club of his hometown where he does youth care, serving as treasurer and 1st chairman he organizes events and serves as game leader.

Richard Stewart

Golden Phoenix
Canada • Ontario
Richard Stewart
“I create a world of Safety, Love, Compassion and Healing by Mentoring, Coaching and Storytelling.
Richard founded and spearheaded Toasty Toes Elgin Middlesex London 2017 and raised over 4000 pairs of socks for the homeless, distributing them through out of the community. Whether as a Crisis Volunteer for Victim Services, a member for the Coalition to End Poverty and Elgin Poverty Round Table and Homeless Hub of London. In addition, he is currently working with various non-profit organizations assisting with networking trade shows and social media such as Farm Town Canada (Human Trafficking and Single Women in Motherhood). Richard’s life is spent with passion and selfless giveaway to fulfill his mission.

Bruce Cornwell

Sacred Dolphin
USA • Florida
Bruce Cornwell
“I create a world of compassion and creative expression by facilitating, healing and empowered action.”
Bruce has been a consistent force for continued growth both in and outside of MKP. As one of the six founding artists of the Hippodrome State Theatre in Gainesville -which celebrated its 46th anniversary this year as north Florida’s professional theatre – he helped to develop and continues to serve as an active Board member of this iconic community institution. Bruce is also a licensed clinical social worker for the Veterans Health Administration where he advocates on behalf of veterans struggling with serious mental illness, and works closely to help them realize their personal goals toward psychosocial recovery.

Vern Ludwig

Medicine Rain Bear
USA • New England
Vern Ludwig
“I build a world of trust, intimacy, and love by trusting myself, listening and service.”
Vern has worked with men inside many men’s prisons in MA one or two evenings each week since December 2001. He is currently facilitating weekly circles of men in Norfolk State Prison. For the past three years, he has served as mentor for monthly Native American Lodge Ceremonies in Norfolk State Prison. He has also worked in men’s prison circles in CA, NY, RI and WI. His work inside began with Jericho Circle Project in the Federal Medical Center at Devens, MA. He is currently supporting effort to initiate a circle inside a ME prison, and to begin a community circle and mentoring effort in Mattapan, MA to support men reentering after they have been incarcerated for long sentences. Over the past 17 years, he has conducted facilitator training for inside men and outside facilitators.

Joe Halley

Barn Owl
USA • St. Louis
Joe Halley
“I create a world of Champions by Championing All to be their Best.”
Served two tours in the Peace Corp spreading his gifts and knowledge that he received from MKP to many students and people of Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine.

Doug Earle

White Polar Bear
USA • Mid America – North
Doug Earle
“To support people of lesser means by donating his time, energy, and resources to make stronger communities and a more just world.”
In Memoriam: Doug lived out his mission by providing pro-bono legal services for people in need. He supported public education and WKAR, Michigan State public radio. He was active in Democratic Party by canvassing, door to door calling, running for office, and was a candidate for a federal judgeship and the the Clinton County Drain Commissioner. Doug was a member of Sierra Club with donating time and money. He was a member of the local Lions Club from 2004 to 2017 and held the Office of Tail Twister, a position where he kept track of members service projects. Doug was also active in the White Cane Drive from 2004 – 2007 supporting visually impaired individuals plus many other Lions Club projects and activities.

Jim Stephens

Father Grizzly Bear
Canada • Alberta
Jim Stephens
“Create a loving and connected world by living in an open heart and helping others.”
Jim has led a non MKP young men’s group in Edmonton for over two years now. He has created a safe place for young men (early 20’s to mid 30’s) to share life challenges and how they feel about those challenges. There have been a core group of about 8 men that have continued to meet from the beginning as well as a number of men who have joined the group for a while until something changed such as moving to a different city. This work is in alignment with Jim’s mission. The young men’s group has delivered significant benefit to these young men. Recently the group honored Jim with 2 Pendleton blankets for his giveaway.

Alex Rounds

Playful Porpoise
USA • Mid Atlantic
Alex Rounds
“To create a world of generational connection through restoring the tradition of mentoring so all boys and girls have a positive adult role model in their lives and adult mentors can grow deeper into their sacred masculine purpose.”
For 20 years Alex has helped youth through grief camps in D.C. He’s a mentor and group facilitator for Boys to Men VA and GW. For 12 years he has been a facilitator in prisons through the Alternatives to Violence Project. Alex has worked in the building trades for the past 40 plus years. He has hired young deaf adults, foreign immigrants, and young men needing a mentor as well as a job. Through much inner work he has transformed the wounds of his childhood into strengths: to connect to most people with empathy, understanding and compassion.

Bill Konigsberg

Fierce Papa Bear
USA • Southwest
Bill Konigsberg
“I create a safe world for marginalized youth by living my truth and speaking out for those who have not yet found their voice.”
Bill is the award-winning author of four young adult novels, with a fifth on the way in 2019. His fiction explores the lives of LGBTQ youth. In Nov. 2018 at The Assembly on Literature for Adolescents at the ALAN/NCTE Conference in Houston, Texas, he spoke out about homophobia and advocated for marginalized youth. After his speech, an annual award was established in Bill’s name. The Bill Konigsberg Award for Acts and Activism for Equity and Inclusion Through Young Adult Literature, will be presented to a youth advocate in the young adult literature world every November. Bill is the first recipient of the award. He has stepped into his leadership and really found his voice.

Jim Harpe

Free Eagle
USA • Mid America – South
Jim Harpe
“To create a safe and loving world by opening my heart and embracing others.”
Jim is very active in his community. Giving back is a good way to define him. He is very involved with “Habitat for Humanity” for the last 6 years and is part or a regular team of volunteers that works a day every week. Jim also works a half day in the store, “Habitat Restore”. He also works one day a week delivering “Meals on Wheels” to Senior Centers.

Hank Kinzie

USA • Chicago
Hank Kinzie
“To create a safe and loving world by opening my heart and embracing others.”
For years he has given of himself to thousands of men, with reckless abandon. He is one of the cornerstones of the “Warrior” organization who helped consolidate the New Warrior Network/ManKind Project in the infantile stages. He is a “Champion” who has always promoted men’s work to all he has come in contact with. He remains humble in his resolve. He is a luminary in defending mature masculine energy be used in the work we all do. And he is a beacon of wholesome love.

Kalani Creutzburg

Loving White Dove
USA • San Diego
Kalani Creutzburg
“I co-create a better world by loving myself and others.”
Kalani has addressed a need to help homeless veterans as well as the need to save homeless dogs from being euthanized. He created a 501 (c)3 non profit
William (Bill) McMillan

Compassionate Cougar
Northwest, USA
William (Bill) McMillan
”I create connection and community through compassion and service.”
We particularly honor Bill for his outstanding inspiration in creating, sustaining and holding the Welcome Home Project for veterans in collaboration with his wife Kim Shelton. TheWelcomeHomeProject.org . Bill is also a leader in Boys to Men Southern Oregon from its inception.
Steve Jahncke

Courageous Buffalo
New Orleans, USA
Steve Jahncke
”I create a world of love and acceptance by, first, loving and accepting myself and others. By sharing my story of childhood sexual abuse and sexual addiction, I help other men talk about their wounds, thus, creating healing.”
Steve has worked locally and nationally with men who were sexually abused as children. Just recently, he has begun to speak out publicly about his own childhood sexual abuse and his recovery.
Stephen Balkam

Armadillo with Wings
Greater Washington, DC Community, USA
Stephen Balkam
“I create an enlightened world through love, passion, service and fun. ”
Stephen leads an international effort to make the online world safer for kids and their families. He convenes and facilitates the top online safety experts in government, industry and the NGO sectors.
Rolf Jehring

Wakeful Buzzard
Germany (Deutschland)
Rolf Jehring
”I am creating a world full of love to be regardful with others and myself.”
Along with his wife Catharina, Rolf has set up a Seminar Retreat called Square of Peace. The site dedicated to hold seminars, spiritual retreats as well as cultural and political events by people committed to create forms of sustainable living.
Robert Schauerhamer

King Cheetah
Minnesota, USA
Robert Schauerhamer
”My mission is to create peace by embracing change and diversity.”
Bob has served many years at the Twin Cities Men’s Center holding jobs as Board Member, Board Chair and Executive Director, created a support group for healthy sexually boundaries, done outreach work in prisons and participated and facilitated Transition support groups. Bob has also been a volunteer at the Community Emergency Assistance Program for the past eight.
Richard Bell

Trusting Bear Climbing to the Sun
Colorado, USA
Richard Bell
“To create opportunities for people to heal themselves; and to model acceptance, understanding, compassion and forgiveness to all.”
Richard is Director of St. Joseph’s Veterans Home, a residential program for homeless veterans. Richard’s program is designed to help these men achieve a stable income, save money and find permanent housing.
Raymond Desaulniers

Est. Canada East
Raymond Desaulniers
“I create a nurturing, inclusive and warmth world by touching the entrepreneur’s heart and by creating, with them, the business oftheir dream.”
Business Coach for the past ten years, Raymond contributed to create over 500 jobs. Over the past 30 years, he has been [involved] in many charitable works.
Pedro Angel Serrano

New Jersey, USA
Pedro Angel Serrano
”To be of service to the young.”
Pedro volunteers as a radio host and producer on several radio programs serving the Gay community in central NJ and metropolitan New York City. He offers hospitality to any man in need of a place to crash.
Mike McIntyre

Los Angeles, USA
Mike McIntyre
”I co-create loving communities by listening, teaching, and blessing.”
Mike volunteers with the American Red Cross providing relief to victims of local and national disasters, training new volunteers, teaching first-aid classes and participating in their Service to Armed Forces program which sends Servicemen off to combat and welcomes them home upon their return.
Michael Malone

Spirit Panther
Florida, USA
Michael Malone
”My creative arts – music, writing & clear voice – invite a more soulful, authentic world.”
As writer and publications editor for The Children’s Trust, Michael’s stories serve to uplift the many heroes who work daily in the “trenches” to better the lives of children and families. He serves as a youth group advisor and member of the Children’s Trust T-Team. He is also the author of two young adult books on refugee children & dozens of magazine articles, both in English & in Spanish.
Michael Fallon

Diving Otter
Upstate New York, USA
Michael Fallon
”Bring miraculous changes of perception to everyone, including teens, by living loves confusing joy.”
After attending several out of town Boys To Men (BTM) trainings bringing local boys to be initiated, Fallon pulled together a team of men to host the first ROPA in NY in 2007. Later that year, the team hosted the first BTM Multicultural Training. A year later the BTM-UNY team hosted the first Raven Adventure for 9-12 yr olds. Currently, Fallon’s team runs year long gatherings for boys and mentors to assure that no boys feel left alone.
Luis Bautista

Medicine Dog
Houston, South Central Area, USA
Luis Bautista
”My mission is to heal, model and support people in creating a good and meaningful life.”
Luis is a Life Coach, Spiritual Counselor and Healer. He was mentored by Medicine People, a Yaqui Shaman and also studied 12 years with his Japanese Master. His best teacher is life itself.
Jean-Maurice Mauret

Centaure couillu d’ors
Centaur with golden balls
Jean-Maurice Mauret
”I create a world of peace and harmony, looking for beauty in the heart of man and supporting it.”
An enthusiast in Non-violent Communication and Mediation, Jean- Maurice taught those skills in his school and after retirement in prisons in Senegal. In spring 2010, he spent three months in the West Bank with Ecumenical Accompagniement Program Palestine- Israel (EAPPI) working for peace.
Jabu Mashinini

Free Rhino
South Africa
Jabu Mashinini
”I create a world of abundance and responsibility through creating bridges and opportunities for myself and others.”
Jabu offers 65% of his working life to unpaid community work. Jabu has been instrumental in the international success of Phaphama Initiatives, bringing [for example] the “Alternatives to Violence Project ” (AVP) to thousands of people around the world.
Harry Pickens

Bold Eagle
Kentucky, USA
Harry Pickens
”My mission is to use my gifts of music and communication to inspire, educate and empower all whose lives I touch.”
Harry says, “… it’s part of everything I do — musical performances, master classes, residencies in schools, service work, my teaching @ University of Louisville and other teaching/coaching.”
Harry Asher

Grateful Grandfather Wolf Bear
St. Louis, USA
Harry Asher
”I create a world of unconditionally loving people by coaching, mentoring and loving in a sacred way.”
Harry was honored for his unwavering support of bringing men to the work that we do. Through this work, Harry brings his mission of service to the reality that the work we do creates better people.
Harold Magnum

Playful Loving Bull
San Diego, USA
Harold Magnum
”I create a world of Healthy Relationships through honesty, integrity and loving myself.”
Harold Magnum’s mission incorporates the fundamental principals of honesty, integrity and self-love as the pathway to creating healthy relationships. Magnum has made the connection between individual personal, physical health and the social health that can exist between two people, and within entire societies. Harold is a firefighter and is also passionate about community involvement. He co-chaired the community “Graffiti Paint Out” in July, 2009.
Frederick Marx

Buddha Lion
Northern California, USA
Frederick Marx
”I create a world living in truth, without despair, by fiercely loving myself and all beings.”
Frederick Marx is an internationally acclaimed, Oscar and Emmy nominated producer/director with 25 years in the film business and an amazing variety of work including HOOP DREAMS, HIGHER GOALS, and BOYS TO MEN. As he says – “Bearing witness, creating change“ – his is a voice strong and clear, and profoundly human.
David Mueller

Fierce Panther
Philadelphia, USA
David Mueller
”I create a world of joy by serving others and maintaining balance in my own life.”
Dave Mueller has worked with children and families for over 26 years. In 2009-2010, he led a year-long Rite of Passage Program for Boys. He co-facilitated several Father-Daughter Weekends for the Philadelphia Community. At the Westfield Y in NJ, he established one of the first Family Life Departments in the country where he and his team created activities for families to do together. He presently works for Alternatives, Inc., an agency that serves adults with disabilities.