Daniel Scruggs

Daniel Scruggs

Compassionate Turtle USA • Greater Carolinas     Daniel Scruggs “I share musical instruments and culture to educate, inspire and unite.” Daniel Scruggs uses his gifts as a professional musician, world traveler and cultural educator to educate, inspire and...
David Amelio

David Amelio

Sacred Mountain Lion with Open-Heart USA • Philadelphia     David Amelio “I Co-create a world of love by embracing the sacred man, healing the human condition through initiation, awareness and teaching others to open up to the full potential of their divine...
Ari Yahrok

Ari Yahrok

Bad Ass Blood Wolf USA • SouthWest     Ari Yahrok “I am the one who creates intimacy by embracing vulnerability in myself and others.” Ari creates safe spaces to heal. He does this through drumming and gardening. Ari volunteers with special needs...
Dan Erickson

Dan Erickson

White Eagle Canada • Alberta     Dan Erickson “I create a world of harmony and peace through service and compassion.” Dan volunteers at the Health Science Centre supporting staff. He also supports the National Microbiology Laboratory Wellness committee. He...
Richard Torres

Richard Torres

  USA • South Central Area     Richard Torres “I co-create a world of love, compassion and justice by being open, honest and fair.” Richard Torres spent years in the culinary field, serving others as a caterer and chef. During his tenure as head of the...