Daniel Scruggs

Daniel Scruggs

Compassionate Turtle USA • Greater Carolinas     Daniel Scruggs “I share musical instruments and culture to educate, inspire and unite.” Daniel Scruggs uses his gifts as a professional musician, world traveler and cultural educator to educate, inspire and...

Christopher Frisco

Iron Horse with Dancing Turtle Greater Carolinas, USA “Co-Creating a world of harmony and abundance by nurturing, mentoring, and modeling authenticity and powerful vulnerability.” As director of Journeymen, Chris has motivated men in his local community...

Darryl Bowens Hansome

Panther Greater Carolinas, USA ”To create a world of acceptance and confidence by interacting with you and others without judgment.” The tenet that I strive to live my life by is “to treat you as I would want you to treat me.” It has served and...

Larry Anmuth

Golden Eagle Greater Carolinas, USA “Create a world of integrity, I model integrity.”  Larry’s work and passion is to bring the message of the possibility of inner peace to veterans and prison populations of North Carolina. Before moving to...

Douglas Ryder

Medicine Bear Greater Carolinas USA “To heal the world by healing hearts.”   A long-time activist for peace and justice, Doug served for more than 30 years as a social worker and psychotherapist, and holds a special interest in advocating for men’s mental health,...