the IT Factor – Welcome John Bacon

The ManKind Project USA has brought on the next staff member in pursuit of our Structuring for Sustainability efforts. John Bacon of the North Texas MKP Community has accepted a position as our new Information Technologies Director. John will be helping MKP to...

Healthy Bridges for Evolving Masculinity

Last week, we celebrated some truly spectacular news. David Lang will be stepping in to the Executive Director Role for MKP-USA on August 1, 2011. You can go and congratulate him HERE. We also celebrated the success of the Fund the Plan Initiative. Bill Kauth has...

Fund the Plan – the finish line – Help!

Here is the Status of Fund the Plan at this moment – 12:10AM Saturday Morning, April 2. We are indeed REALLY “Knockin’ at the DOOR!” EVERYTHING that has come in has been counted. There is NO hold back. AND WE ARE CLOSE and we are NOT THERE YET!...