The MKP Blog

Kenneth Haller, M.D.

  Golden Grasshopper St. Louis, USA   Dr. Haller regularly shows his commitment to the value of men’s individual personal development by his continued dedication to his I-Group and his active resolution to integrate this knowledge into his professional and...

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Bob Rakoczy

  Elder Turtle New Mexico/Southern Colorado, USA   ”To Walk in the NOW on Their Path with Every Man, Woman and Child Whom I Encounter on The Way of Life Today.” Bob is an Interactive Spiritual Director, Mentor, Friend, Companion, Brother, Counselor, Elder,...

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James Collins

  White Horse New Jersey, USA   ”To feed the world.” James was on the board of a non profit organization in NYC which provided blankets for the homeless, food for Native Americans on reservations and organized volunteers for a food program for 500 elderly...

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Bill Megalos

  Crow Los Angeles, USA   ”I create a world of peace and justice through speaking my truth and empowering others to speak theirs.” Bill Megalos has been providing haircuts to the homeless community of Santa Monica, CA for the past 10...

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Dr. Clarence H. Snelling, Jr.

  Zebra Colorado, USA   ”To work toward the protection and the mutuality of all persons regardless of race, creed, ethnicity, status, gender, orientation, or current power; with justice as the motivating factor in all endeavors.” Beyond his work as...

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Mark E. Lopez

  Roaring Lion Memphis, USA   ”I create a world of unconditional love by loving myself and others unconditionally.” Mark is a longtime champion for GLBT equality in Nashville and throughout Tennessee. He lobbies and builds coalitions with like minded...

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Caspar Walsh

  Fierce Panther UK and Ireland   ”By opening my heart and speaking my truth I create a safe and beautiful world for all beings.” Caspar has created the charity, "Write to Freedom", which works with young prisoners and disaffected young men to...

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Darryl Bowens Hansome

  Panther Greater Carolinas, USA   ”To create a world of acceptance and confidence by interacting with you and others without judgment.” The tenet that I strive to live my life by is "to treat you as I would want you to treat me." It has served and...

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Peter Huber

  Playful Dolphin Santa Barbara/San Luis Obispo, USA   "To make a difference by being of Service.” Peter serves as Founder and Director of the nonprofit Center for Uniting Families and Dancing Deer Farm retreat center. Creating harmonious, sustainable...

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Jim Gray

  Silverhawk Alberta, Canada   ”To help addicts and alcoholics recover.” Jim Gray is being honored for living his mission of helping addicts and alcoholics recover by building Serenity Ranch drug and alcohol rehab centre in central...

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Jim Wolfe

  Cunning Wolf Indiana/SWONKY, USA   ” I create a world of boundless thinking and loving where bodies and souls are nourished and nurtured by doing the political and personal work needed to be in tune with the divine within and beyond.” Jim is being honored...

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Jim Lovestar

  Timberwolf with Playful Hawk Minnesota Center, USA   ” Through teaching and touching I empower every man to know his purpose, his place, and his playmates. ” Jim is a long-time member of Veterans for Peace, he has been active with the...

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Richard Renner

  Three Hawks Rising Kansas City Heartland, USA   ” To create a world of love and forgiveness through the expression of Joy.” Richard is a clown...literally. He has been a professional clown and Vaudville entertainer for 27 years. He is willing to provoke...

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Michael Bungay Stanier

  Left Handed Kangaroo Toronto Canada   ” To infect one billion people with the possibility virus.” Michael Bungay Stanier is the founder and Senior Partner of Box of Crayons, a company that helps organizations all over the world do less Good Work and more...

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Mark E. Rowley

  Food Lion Florida, USA   ” I create a world or trust, transparency and compassion by first modeling it.” Mark Rowley works as a firefighter, paramedic, college instructor and Coast Guard Reservist in Jacksonville, Florida. In his capacity as a paramedic,...

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Daniel Sullivan

  Wild Hawk Upstate New York, USA   ” I create a joyful and vibrant world of cultivated potential by affirming others, virtuous action, and contemplation.” Dan has been volunteering his time in support of Borgne, Haiti as a community organizer supporting...

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Ken Rogers

  Ancient Hawk Houston, South Central, USA   2nd honoree for working to bring Action in the World to his Center Ken is a member, leader, and elder of Men in Mission, an organization of more than four thousand men in the Houston area. Men in Mission helps men...

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Peter Tarshis

  Gentle Bear with Wild Horses Toronto, Canada   ”As a Man among men I create a world of Love thru my actions” Peter gives his time and energy to a variety of organizations including the Scott Mission, Habitat for Humanity and Out of the Cold. At Out of the...

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David Perez

  Fun Fucking Dragon Florida, USA   ”I create a passionate world through my grounded and blessing leadership.” Dave is a therapist who works with a wide variety of clients (including warrior brothers) in recovery. Specifically, his focus is in...

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David Yarrow

  Dancing Butterfly Kansas, USA   ”To restore the earth by renewing the minerals and trace elements in soil so that all life can flourish again.” David Yarrow's vision of reconciliation between Man and Nature begins with least of all: trace minerals and...

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Sonny Elliott

  Listening Hawk the Seer South Central, Houston, USA   ”I create a world of flourishing relationships with joy, love, and wisdom.” Sonny Elliott has led a very active life and has operated in myriad environments, including many areas of business. Since 1991...

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Fred Dewey

  Accepted Lion Upstate New York, USA   "My mission is to create a world of LOVE and ACCEPTANCE, by demonstrating and teaching it." Fred has directly contributed to the transformation of thousands of lives through his work as President of...

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Michael Shaffran

  Lion Heart Santa Barbara, USA   "My mission is to empower, boys, adolescents and men to grow psychologically, emotionally and spiritually." Michael has worked in CA prisons; particularly at Coalinga State Hospital - a facility for Sexual Violent Predators...

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William Thiele

  Bull Elk New Orleans, USA   “I create contemplative communities by listening in stillness and serving in joy.” Following his initiation in 2008 he founded a School for Contemplative Living, gathered a steering committee to sustain the initial vision, and...

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Maury Boehmer

  Mystical Bear St. Louis, USA   ”I create a world of love by finding my true self and being that presence in the world.” For the past couple years Maury has volunteered as a math tutor at an organization called Women In Charge. He works 2+ hours every week...

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Christophe DePierre

  Alive Wolf Europe Francophone   ”To awake others to the intensity of their lives by fully living mine.” For years, Christophe has been intensely active in accompanying drug addicts and dying persons, including by leading men's groups in prison. He now...

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John Larsen

  Laughing Muskox Edmonton, Canada   ”To create a more loving world by being more loving.” John has been very active in the effort to revitalize his community as a site coordinator for our two annual festivals and other events. He has been designated...

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Mariano Rabino

  Open Hearted Wolf Los Angeles, USA   ”I co-create a loving caring world by growing as much love within myself and cultivating that in the world!” For over 8 years Mariano has taken an active role in the lives of 50 kindergarten, first and second graders at...

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Patric Roberts and Sam La Deaux

    Partic: Mushin Mato Wambli Sam: Wambli Colorado, USA   ”I co-create a child centric future caring for all of tomorrow's sacred beings in the household of our shared humanity." — Patric ”As a man among men I allow adults to feel their inner child and...

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Nelson Oostenink

  Rainbow Trout Northwest USA   ”I am the one who co-creates a world of open hearted men by opening mine.” At a time of major reorganization for the Northwest Center, both in personnel and financial, Nelson devoted Herculean effort to make sure the Center...

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John Nemick

  Great Bison Wisconsin, USA   ”I create paradise through compassionate awareness.” John’s dedication to service began long ago in his college days when he chose the helping profession of Social Worker. Since then John has worked as a counselor helping his...

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Roger Herbert Dobitz

  Golden Eagle Central Plains, USA   ”To Create an awakened world by listening to the soul’s cry.” Roger’s mission brings a connection between the deaf world and the hearing world where he has served both in many ways. He was instrumental in creating a NWTA...

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Thomas Filler

  Playful Dog German Speaking Center   ”I create abundance of joy, love and wealth, through inner work and magi.” Thomas created a workshop called "A King`s Initiation". He was inspired by the idea to integrate all 4 archetypes and including their shadows in...

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Kenny D’Cruz

  Ed The Talking Horse United Kingdom   "My mission is to offer insights and tools enabling self-awareness, conscious community and abundant fulfilling lives, while freely living in abundance." Outside of MKP Kenny has been gathering and facilitating Open...

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Guy Desfosses

  Lion Fier L’Est du Canada   "Aider mon prochain au meilleur de mes connaissances, sans me perdre moi-même." Depuis toujours, Lion fier a fait tout ce qu’il a pu pour changer sa destiné et influencer positivement celle des autres. Par sa grande force de...

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Dan Scaduto

  Fire Buffalo New Mexico / Southern Colorado, USA   ”My Mission is to co-create a World of Acceptance, Abundance, and Magical Love by Living in the now, Practicing forgiveness, Practicing unconditional love, and Believing in myself.” Dan helps organize and...

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Darrin D. Gray

  White Stallion Indiana, USA   “To help others reach their ultimate potential” Darrin has a unique window into the NFL by virtue of his day-to-day involvement with All Pro Dad, the national fatherhood program founded by Tony Dungy. He develops innovative...

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Michael Erickson

  Eagle Soaring with Silver Feathers Windsor / Detroit, USA / Canada   First honoree for working to bring Action in the World to his Centre "My goal is to facilitate missions into action--real action." About two years ago I began by becoming the...

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Ray Parrella

  Joyful Bird Kentucky, USA   "My mission is to create a peaceful world by sharing love with those around me." Ray has a passion for working with young adults, ages 10-16 at the Kentucky School for the Blind in Louisville, Kentucky. He takes these kids to...

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Carlos J. Legaspy

  Sea Lion San Diego, USA   ”I create a world of abundance by listening, sharing and teaching." Carlos has worked in Mexico to build an MKP community there. He has participated in a PIT intensive, led 2 circles of men and witnessed the launching of 3...

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Kevin “Mr. Peace” Szawala

  Unconditional Loving Falcon Windsor / Detroit, USA / Canada   “To create a world full of peace, freedom and awareness by serving others through unconditional love.” Kevin’s message of peace, love and compassion has reached over 100,000 people across the...

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Ron Goldman

  Wild Dog New England, USA   ”I create a more peaceful and loving world by raising awareness about the unrecognized pain and harm experienced by children due to specific American cultural beliefs and practices.” Ron's work includes articles, two books for...

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Theodore Freedman

  Halcon Digno con Frente Brillante New Jersey, USA   ”I create a world of joy by being joyfully creative.” Ted has volunteered for a wide variety of community projects over the years including highway cleanups, soup kitchens, staffing a home for runaway...

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Harris Stephen Marx

  Loving Wise Owl Greater Washington Center, USA   ”To Co-Create a loving world by empowering and supporting men in the creation of vibrant ongoing I-Groups worldwide, as well as empowering individuals with mental health needs to reach their full potential...

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Peter Abrams

  Courageous Kudu British Columbia, Canada   ”I create a loving, inspired world through clarity, creativity and kindness.” Peter is a skilled facilitator who works with an interactive theatre group to raise multicultural awareness, help people touch their...

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Cole Cameron

  Buffalo Heart Northern California, USA   ”Enrich community by empowering all I touch, especially youth.” Cole says that in the mid ‘90’s, men of the South Bay Nation of Men asked, "Whats next?” His answer was, "YOUTH! Cole has worked consistently for years...

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Robert Dann

  Wild Ox Philadelphia Community   ”I create a world of trust and acceptance by amplifying love and connection to myself and others." Robert has been involved locally rehabbing vacant homes with a group called 'Support Homeless Veterans', and, with...

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Godel Sefu

  Wise Whale The South Africa Region   ”I create a world of advocacy and empowerment for people with disabilities." Godel, who is physically disabled and director of the “Disabled Refugees Projects” has dedicated his life’s work to the empowerment of other...

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Diya Peter

  Joyful Black Falcon Suisse Community   "I create a world of spiritual transformation by owning my transformation and living truth, love and magic." Diya is training young men age 18 to 30 in "how to deal with conflicts in a non-violent way". Also he...

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David Patterson

  Magnificent Human Being Vulnerable UK Region - Ireland   "I co-create world peace by healing shame and building community through education , facilitating circles in sacred space." David is a young man with a heart that matches the size of his vision and...

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Jeffrey Navarre

  Ganesha Florida, USA   "I create a world of Love and Compassion by holding space for you however that looks." Jeffrey shows up as a powerful man. His give-aways include the use of his Yoga Studio space for MKP functions. i.e. I-Group, Open Men's...

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Bob Hoover

  Zebra Memphis, USA   "I have been called and empowered to make the world a safer place by practicing acceptance of you and myself and our situation and by protecting and defending the innocent." Bob is a Family physician who has been in practice for...

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Woody Rae Forrieter

  Innocent Hawk Canada West - Alberta   "I create a world of innocence by forgiving the past, blessing the future, and loving right now." Woody has been involved with the Mankind Project since 2000, and has been involved in MKP Alberta since 2006. In that...

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Ned Helme

  Trusting Great Bear Greater Washington, USA   "Through knowledge, power and persistence I foster coalitions for the global good." Ned played an instrumental role in the development and passage of the Clean Air Act Amendments in 1990, which established the...

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David Yarrow

  Dancing Dragonfly Kansas City, USA   "To restore the earth by renewing the minerals and trace elements in soil so that all life can flourish again." David Yarrow’s work in creating a sustainable planet producing non-GMO and chemical free food is recognized...

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Ashanti Branch

  King Salmon Northern California USA   "I create a world of freedom by teaching youth to break their chains." Ashanti is a multi-faceted man. He has created rites of passage programs to support youth. “The Ever Forward Club” in the San Francisco bay area...

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Tom Houle

  Night Eagle New Jersey, USA   "I create a joyful, abundant world, by serving from my heart." Tom is a full-time volunteer, spending the majority of his day volunteering with three organizations. He is the Parish Coordinator and Property Manager for his...

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Larry Anmuth

  Golden Eagle Greater Carolinas, USA   "Create a world of integrity, I model integrity."  Larry’s work and passion is to bring the message of the possibility of inner peace to veterans and prison populations of North Carolina. Before moving to...

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Ernest Patterson

  Loving Tiger South Central, Houston, USA   "As a man among men I co-create a world of love by loving myself, my family and my fellow man unconditionally." Ernest has worked with adolescent clients and their families for the past thirteen years, helping...

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Dennis Ponczkowski

  Glorious Falcon Upstate New York, USA   "My mission is that peace be found in all relations." Dennis has been living his mission for decades by serving on the board of directors for several local organizations, LifeResults and Sanctuary at Crowfield Farm....

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Tom Daly

  Wild Turkey Colorado, USA   " I foster the dance of heart and soul to build a more just, joyful, and sustainable world." Few men in the nation have had a longer or more committed life in men’s work than Tom. Directly and indirectly Tom has touched the...

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Yves Gilles

  Living Bear Europe Francophone   "I create a world of joy and healing by opening my heart." He has been active in the AIDES association in France for over fifteen years in: Leading writing workshops for HIV infected people, Coordinating well-being...

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Anthony Ramirez Di Vittorio

  Black Lab Chicago, USA   "I create a world where father and son live in harmony, by mentoring youth into men of character." Di Vittorio created B.A.M. in 2001 while working as a school psychologist at Roberto Clemente High school. Youth Guidance’s B.A.M....

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Tim Kelty

  Standing Lion Kentucky, USA   "I create vibrant community through song, story, music and dance." In the last 23 years Tim has worked as an actor in educational theater performing in shows for young audiences in 20 states. Some of the topics of these shows...

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