Geoff Potts , Kevin Danaher, Peter Weiler, Michael Barickman and Chaz Harrington
USA Florida
These five MKP brothers live their mission and have truly demonstrated how “we can be the change we want to see in the world.”
The five men of the SunKings I-Group for creating a safe space for non-MKP involved men to meet online during the time of Covid isolation. The group came together as the Pandemic took hold in March 2020. Using social media tools such as Facebook and Meetup, the Kings have touched the lives of over 90 non-MKP men. Many leave the monthly sessions with a SMART Goal “stretch” to move forward in life. Some men have become permanent members of SunKings, others have gone on to take MKP online trainings and join the National Men’s Circle. The Florida MPK men that facilitate these weekly groups are: Geoff Potts [Lumbering Bear], Kevin Danaher [Loving Lion], Peter Weiler [Sleeping Badger], Michael Barickman [Leopard OATSS] and Chaz Harrington [Red Monarch].

Axel Dobernowsky

Tanzender Puma
Axel Dobernowsky
“Here and now I encourage men and women to show their talents by living mine.”
Axel died a serious car accident last year. He was a loving father and leaves behind two sons and a partner. He did a lot for the Community in MKP, always providing emotional and uplifting support to many men. But also financially he gave many men the possibility to go their way. He was a true friend. Always kind words on his lips. For years he was the man who stored and maintained the MKP material. He drove it to every NWTA. In Germany as well as Switzerland and the Nordic Community in Sweden. He was part of building the Nordic Community. We will never forget Axel.
In memory of Axel Dobernowsky – Dancing Puma
Award Ceremony Video

Award Ceremony Video

Steve “Smytty” Smyth

Red Eagle Wolf
USA • Colorado, Denver
Steve “Smytty” Smyth
“I co-create a world of Love, Serenity and Healing by doing what I’m called to do.”
Steve “Smytty” Smyth is an active member in many volunteer organizations dedicated to the safety of children, helping families in need, and supporting addiction recovery.
Smytty chairs 12 Step Meetings for inmates at the Arapahoe County Jail, and volunteers with the Third Way Center assisting teens in crisis. He facilitates talking circles through The Courage to Change Addiction Medicine Rehab program and is currently sponsoring 3 men. Smytty is an active member of Guys Who Give and assists weekly in the Watchdog a program—enhancing security in public elementary school programs. Every Christmas he sponsors a family and provides gifts for the single mothers and their children.
Smytty initiated in 2004, is an LKS Leadman and Ritual Elder, and has staffed 61 NWTAs.

Paul Newell

The Meecuna Fox Moon
USA • Metro New York TriState
Paul Newell
“I co-create a world of freedom and expression by being powerfully authentic and in service to self and others.”
Paul is an advocate and guide for wholistic health and the well-being of men by crafting curated regimens and habits that support men in physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Paul has been a men’s work online facilitator for the past three years, and has recently co-created The King’s College for Black Men, a space for black men to learn and grow in mind, body, and spirit to combat systemic racism.
He works with mentorship groups and hosts a podcast called “Men Talk About.” Paul also is an advocate for fathers’ rights by helping fathers address their shadows and traumas to be the best version of themselves and enhance how they show up in relationships with their spouse/co-parent and with their children.

Aron Halevi

Easy Tiger
South Africa • Cape Tow
Aron Halevi
“I create a connected, vibrant and integrated world by listening with care and using my creativity and courage to heal myself and the world around me.”
Aron Halevi is a social innovator living near Cape Town, South Africa. In August 2019, a 19-year-old student was murdered. 16 days later, Aron led the #99949 campaign (Nelson Mandela’s prison number was #44464), calling men to stand up and so no to gender based violence. Over 100,000 men stood in silence at 9am on the 9th day of the 9th month 4/for 9 minutes – a call to action, to be seen, show outrage, stand with other men, and bring men into the solution of Gender Based Violence (GBV). Aron’s other notable social change work includes a project with an ex-convict, gangster and drug dealer, Larry Joe. Combining music, film and social media, Aron collaborated with Joe, recording an album in his prison cell, and conducting interactive workshops with over 100,000 high school students around South Africa and the theme of “Changing the World One Man at a Time.”

David Vail

Red Stone
USA • Upstate New York
David Vail
“My mission is to create a world of sustainable abundance by showing up, paying attention, and telling the truth.”
David Vail volunteers at the Villa of Hope working in rehabilitation for young people struggling with alcohol or drug addiction. He has taken the gift of sobriety to these people by bringing a Tuesday AA meeting to the facility. Seeing the spark of a young person who wants more of what is on the other side of addiction drives Dave to continue to serve.
He has introduced many young folks to the sacred ceremony of the Lodge. In this way Dave has provided space for these individuals to connect to a deeper part of themselves during their rehabilitation experience.
David has been a member of MKP since 2009 and an LKS Leadman since 2016.

Royston John

Conscious Lion
UK & IRELAND • London
Royston John
“I create a world of people who love each other and care for tomorrow’s children, by sharing my love and abundant joy with humanity.”
Royston John is a man living his mission out there in the world. Royston was inspired to set up the National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI) in London over 20 years ago, after having experienced first-hand their life-enhancing Diversity, Inclusion and Equality work through the NCBI UK Road show. Over the last 20 years Royston has led (and trained many others to lead) groups of men and women from all walks of life through a range of NCBI experiential workshops and trainings. As a Black man, Royston has consistently taken the many hits that have come his way when the topics of Diversity, Inclusion and Equality are discussed in ethnically diverse groupings, yet his love and abundant joy continue to shine through undimmed.

Genesis Young

Koholā Singing for the Planet
USA • Hawaii
Genesis Young
“I create a world of truth and love by being authentic.”
Genesis and his wife, Sulara James, started the nonprofit Teran James Young Foundation (TJYF),which is dedicated to creating peace in the world. Designed around Nonviolent Communication and trauma-informed care, TJYF works with local schools to help them adopt principles of restorative healing In coordination with various governmental agencies, TJYF is working to open a much needed youth shelter in Maui. Genesis leads a weekly community NVC mediation and Restorative Justice circle, a weekly Practicing Peace group, and runs a weekly youth mentoring group. He is working with the Hawaii legislature to mandate that Restorative Justice be offered to all people in Hawaii, and is the Chair of the Maui County Committee for Sustainable Tourism. Genesis is a certified Shadow Work Coach, does shamanic work, and has for many years hosted his 25 member I-group, the Kīhei Kings.

Navid Modiri

Loving Lion
Navid Modiri
“I create a world of truth and love by being authentic.”
Engaged in men’s work since 2013, Navid launched a virtual support programme in 2020 for Swedish men – Supportive Brother (SB). SB is motivated by a desire to have a positive effect on men’s mental health by providing a supportive forum in which isolation is broken and development supported. About 500 men have taken part in SB meetings, and roughly 250 men are members of a Facebook group. SB is now also offering free training sessions for men who want to lead more men’s groups as well as supporting the growth of member-led special interest groups.
Navid also mentors three upper secondary students who have started a Supportive Brother programme for their own age group. He initiated the award of Swedish Men of the Year, International Man’s day.

Corey Lee

Playful Deer
Canada • Alberta
Corey Lee
“I create a loving world of peace by serving myself first, those I love and others.”
For many years Corey has been an active force in keeping people connected through numerous communities, by organizing and hosting shared dinners, barbecues and other events. Corey is a long-term volunteer of the Marian Centre, an inner-city organization that feeds the homeless and the less fortunate. Besides doing regular shifts in a soup kitchen in the Edmonton inner city, Corey has actively recruited new volunteers and has promoted local restaurants that give away food to those in need.
For a long time, Corey has volunteered for a suicide hotline and has trained others in suicide prevention. Corey is a man who drops everything to help out people in the communityand who truly lives his mission by keeping his many communities connected and serving his family and friends and especially the less fortunate in our society.

Martin Rivard

Humble Jaguar
Canada • Québec
Martin Rivard
“I create a world of love and connection while being connected and expressing love with all that surrounds me.”
Martin is involved in several ManKind Project committees, and is also a member of the Board of Directors of the “Portal of Abundance” in his hometown. This portal helps members of his community offer each other mutual aid and shares inspirational and sacred teachings. Martin is always available for his brothers, to help by his presence and also by giving his time and energy. Martin is very connected to nature and is sensitive to what She can say to him. Martin creates a world of love by being present from the heart.

Jet Teisberg

Withheld per request of Jet
USA • Central Plains
Jet Teisberg
“To awaken people to see and accept their shadows.”
After recovering from cancer, John created “The Reluctant Brotherhood,” a weekly support call for men all over the counter who are recovering from cancer.
John has also been involved for ten years in “Beepball,” a competitive form of softball for non-sighted people. As an outfield “spotter,” John calls out “quadrant instructions” to the coed fielders when a ball is headed their way.
John has been active in the Minnesota Men’s Center since its inception in the early 80’s, and served as an early chair for 5 years. Their space has been critical for many men’s organizations in the Twin Cities, dealing with issues ranging from divorce to LGBT.

Doug Stern

Hawk Inside the Belly of a Beast
USA • Midwest, Kentucky
Doug Stern
“My mission is to create a free and happy world by being free and happy.”
Doug went to his usual 12-step meeting June 2, 2020, read Step 1 aloud, and had an epiphany about racial healing. He realized that he could somehow work a program of recovery toward racial transformation for himself…and, perhaps, for others. June 2 was a low point for Louisville, KY as it was being convulsed by violent white supremacy.That’s when he stepped up and formed a 12-step study group for local Louisville folks. The Group discovered and used Racists Anonymous (rainternational.org), a recovery program modeled after AA. The Group finished the step study after 16 weeks, decided to stay together, and opened the meeting to others. Since summer, Louisville Meeting #1 (7:55 am ET, Wednesdays) has been a space for others in the U.S., Canada and abroad…seeking to uproot racist thoughts and behaviors in themselves. In addition to his anti-racism work in Louisville, Doug has served RA’s organizational leadership in getting the word out and offering hope to people internationally.

Philippe Wanufel

Grizzly Apaisé
Philippe Wanufel
“I am on the way to a fairer and more united world thanks to my facetious clown, my available quiet strength and my generous and unifying character.”
Since his retirement, Philippe has devoted himself to two organizations driven by heart values. The first is Hôpi-Clown, which bring clown activities to pediatric hospitals. Philippe becomes “Bill” with the red nose. Armed with his magic suitcase, his balloons to be sculpted, his magic tricks, his stories and songs, he travels room to room bringing happiness to sick children and their families.
The second is Altéo, an organization that allows differently-abled people to go on vacation in total safety. Several times a year, Philippe accompanies disabled people for a week, when bonds forged between the volunteer and his “holidaymaker” become life-long. Philippe reports that exchanges of eye contact and soul between him and those he’s supporting are comparable in intensity to those exchanged during an NWTA.

Bharataji Anthony Joplin

Healing Panther with Dragon Spirit
USA • Chicago
Bharataji Anthony Joplin
“I heal the world by uncovering the divinity in myself and others.”
Bharataji Joplin has been on a 25-year mission to help people discover the Divine in themselves and see it in those around them. He says “…uncovering your divinity is about realizing that there is something worth pursuing in life bigger than self.”
He’s in charge of counselor training for Youth Guidance’s Becoming a Man program, which supports young men from Chicago and other cities to develop skills to achieve a better life. His work with the Metropolitan Peace Academy focuses on building community-level capacity to reduce violence through positive interventions and training. He’s also been involved with the Inside Circle Foundation, which provides support and healing for incarcerated and formerly-incarcerated people. He was one of the featured facilitators in the Netflix film, “The Work (2017).”
Bharataji Joplin was initiated in February 1997 in Chicago, and certified as Full Leader in 2006.

Fernando Alvarez

Dragón dorado sobre una horda de monos
Mexico • Mexico City
Fernando Alvarez
“I create a world of abundance and love.”
Fernando is a professor and registered psychologist devoted to protecting Mexican children from child abuse. He also works in the realm of sexual violence prevention among transgender children in elementary public schools.
As a Co-Director in the “Sexual Wisdom” program, he has designed and led experiential conferences and workshops for children, adolescents, teachers and parents, as well as organized and facilitated conferences on child sexuality and prevention of sexual violence. He leads a self-help group for parents of trans children.
He is an active member of MKP México, where he conducts workshops on sexual shadow and healing for warrior brothers.

Unnamed Man

USA • Los Angeles Area
Unnamed Man
The man selected by the Los Angeles Area has chosen not to accept the Award and has asked that the following be read:
It is a high honor to have been nominated for, considered for, and chosen to receive this award. Through that, I see that my contribution to advancing white male introspection around race and activation of said introspection has landed on men. However, I feel it is far more necessary to take that high honor and turn the light onto the men who have truly done the hard work, the men of color in this community. For too long, these men, willingly or not, have been holding up mirrors for us white men to do our work. More often than not, I have stood and watched these men do their work around racial inequity, while the power and privilege of my silence reigned. I have feigned helplessness in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, asking men of color ‘what should I do?.’ Our brothers of color do not get to choose whether or not race is an issue on a weekend or in I-Group or by being inundated by calls in the face of racial reckoning. Yet, they keep showing up, day after day, month after month, year after year. I am so thankful that they show up and have held the myriad of mirrors up for me and my white brothers. It is time that we white men take the mirrors from them and we hold them up to each other, for doing so should not be exceptional, it should be expected. So, thank you, my beautiful brothers of color for all you do for this Project, this community, this nation, and this world. You have changed my life and my commitment to you is I will not stay quiet and I will take action whenever I can whenever I see racial inequities. I invite my white brothers to commit to the same.

Terje Lange

Goldener Drache über einer Horde Affen
Terje Lange
“Courageously, I create a world of gentleness, love and joy by showing myself, true my limits and living truthfully. I plant the grain of love in every being by connecting the sacred-male with the divine-female.”
Terje was on the board of MKP Germany for 4 years, and volunteered for MKP-International for 2 years. He is a CLC in MKP and NobleMan initiated. Terje is committed to the topic of diversity and works in the youth center in Stuttgart where he supports youth in their journeys into adulthood.

Christoph Buro

Freier Bär
Christoph Buro
“I create a world of creative connection and healing by exemplifying my values of love, humility and surrender.”
Christoph was a volunteer teacher for several years at Leonhard – Entrepreneurship for Prisoners; resocialization project for prisoners with the aim to prepare prisoners for starting a business after their time in prison. Christoph was also a member of the parents’ council (8 years, the last two as deputy chairman) at Kurt Huber Gymnasium, focusing on career orientation, digitalization/media concept, school development; member of the school forum. In addition, 20 years of loving companionship and care for his wheelchair-bound wife. And Christoph has more than fulfilled his role as a father. And he was also coordinator of the MKP I-Group Munich for several years.

Robert Alexander

Golden Eagle
USA • South East
Robert Alexander
“I have created a world of possibilities by helping others and myself discover their best self.”
Rob is an active volunteer for AARP. He is a member of the Volunteer Facilitator and Trainer Team (VFTT) where he teaches a variety of courses and facilitates AARP strategic planning activities. He’s also a Volunteer Portal Training Specialist (VPTS) team in which he helps other volunteers use the AARP internal website.
Rob is also a First League Lego Robotics mentor at Renaissance Middle School in Fulton County, GA, where, last year, his team won first place in the Georgia Technology School Association (GA-TSA).

Denis Mercier

Born To Be Wild Horse
Canada • Ontario
Denis Mercier
“I create a world of balance and belonging by healing and teaching.”
Denis changes lives through his service. He’s been a Big Brother since 1995 and has had 3 “Littles” — including one who is now an initiated man. In addition to his Big Brothers work, Denis volunteers with his therapy dog ‘Rosie’ at a local retirement home. Denis has also volunteers his time with the local French community assisting them with the drafting of new legal documents/agreements for their facility.
Denis was initiated in November 2015 at Pearce Williams Camp Near London, Ontario and has has 9 NWTA staffings under his belt. Denis is a declared elder, an active member of the Ontario Elder Community, and sits on the board of directors as the Elder Representative. He has also served as the secretary of MKP Ontario Board.

Ryan Bemis

Benevolent Bison
USA • Southwest
Ryan Bemis
“I create a world of solidarity by holding space for suffering, partnering with the people, and cultivating resilience building at the grassroots.”
Ryan is co-founder of the Barefoot Acupuncture Movement, a non-profit collective that partners with people affected by injustice to build resilience using acupuncture. They work to create a more socially diverse global acupuncture workforce by mobilizing disaster response and engaging in grassroots community development in underserved regions. With a vision that even the most marginalized groups have the capacity to care for their own people, Ryan started a free tuition acupuncture school in response to violence in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, which is now being replicated in other countries.
He has over 20 years’ experience in mental healthcare and has helped to integrate acupuncture within U.S. military and Veteran’s healthcare, Catholic Charities, trauma survivor programs, disaster relief, as well as refugee, harm reduction and the homeless healthcare in North and Central America. He is currently working with a state prison system to introduce acupuncture into addictions care for inmates and Native tribes.

Dale Joyal

Moral Moose
Canada • Red Deer Alberta
Dale Joyal
“I create a world of truth by courageously speaking my truth to myself and others.”
When Dale moved to Red Deer (Alberta, Canada) there wasn’t a men’s group, so he started a flourishing group and continues to be dedicated to it. He also had a vision to start the very first GIFT training in Canada and helped bring it into being. Dale offers online support every Monday and Friday to people he knows free of charge to share meditation and practices that he leads that have so positively impacted his life. Dale actively invites people to the men’s circle or simply checks in with them every week and chats with them to make sure everyone still feels welcome and knows they are loved. Dale encourages people to be the best self they can be. He is constantly uplifting others.

Kurt F. Bauer

USA • St louis
Kurt F. Bauer
“I create a world of love by trusting.”
Kurt has been active in St. Louis MKP for many years, most notably as a co-facilitator for open support groups for initiated and uninitiated men. When the pandemic hit, Kurt learned how to use zoom and continued to host meetings online.
Most recently Kurt has been volunteering with the Veterans Administration doing outreach to support isolated and lonely veterans.

Jeffrey Tate

Mindful Otter
USA • Florida
Jeffrey Tate
“I create a world of abundance by building organizations of Love and accomplishment.”
Jeffrey lives his mission in the world by Building Cyclo Therapeutics, Inc., a biotechnology company developing treatments for neurodegenerative diseases including for Niemann-Pick Disease Type C, a fatal genetic disease in children, and Alzheimer’s Disease. He leads the Local Workforce development Board through restructuring to better train workers, connect them with companies and grow the local economy. He also is building a scholarship fund in memory of his grandparents, Owen and Frances Tate, creating the Tate Scholars Program at the University of Minnesota Morris that supports students presenting their scholarly and artistic work off campus.

Michael Dreiling

USA • Northwest
Michael Dreiling
“I restore connection between the heart and mind by nurturing the wounds of my heart and relinquishing falsehoods of the mind, and in doing this I become an expression of Spirit’s wisdom on Earth.”
Dreiling lives his mission within himself, in his parenting and marriage, in his teaching, research and creative works, and in his service to community. In healing and reconciling his own wounds, he has spent 25 years studying, teaching, and communicating peace and nonviolence. His work now reaches tens of thousands of people in several countries. In addition to his award-winning filmmaking, teaching and research at the University of Oregon, he has co-founded several nonprofit organizations committed to nonviolence and social justice.
When courage is in short supply, Dreiling steps up. He sticks his neck out there for love, justice, and sincerity. As a father, he loves deeply and teaches integrity. Students regard him as enthusiastic and wise. Scholars in his field acknowledge his cutting-edge approaches and ideas. Audiences in a dozen countries have been inspired by his film and moved to better understand the conditions for peace in our world. He lives in Eugene, Oregon with three children and his partner Yvonne.

Terry Rouse

Courageous Crow
USA • Heartland
Terry Rouse
“I create a world which is beautiful, loving, and nurturing by accessing my power and pursuing my passion.”
Terry is pouring his heart and intention into a creation of great healing, compassion and practical assistance: The Eliza B. Conley House of Resilience in Wyandotte County, KS. The project is committed to watershed discipleship, restorative justice, and other anti-racist reparations in the form of affordable housing for their BIPOC (Black, indigenous, and other persons of color) neighbors and other local activists organizing for justice-based peace.
In these deeply contentious times, the vision for the House is to care for its residents, their neighbors, and the land in a small, sustainable community that transforms oppressive domination into mutual liberation. They work to realize that vision through their mission to grow a healthy home by sharing labor and power, knowing their histories, partnering with Creation, and practicing hospitality, response-ability, and place-based peacemaking.

Rick Pack

Calm Cheetah
USA • Greater Carolinas
Rick Pack
“I create a world in which data, including our diverse stories and that of scientific research, help us create a healthier world.”
Rick Pack serves as a writer and data-focused member of the 100 Black Men of Triangle East’s “Technology and Communications” committee, which mentors youth in the Raleigh, NC area in health and wellness, education, and economic empowerment, primarily through their biweekly “Saturday Academy” program. They also have recently begun a “Parenting Academy” program to help parents connect with each other.
Rick also volunteers annually at the Junior League of Raleigh’s “Career Fair” at the Brentwood Boys & Girls Club in Raleigh, NC, energetically encouraging kids to do well in school so they can achieve their dreams. He writes LinkedIn posts to increase awareness about non-profits building community in the technology space such as Research Triangle Analysts, the data science segment of the Triangle SQL Server User Group, and Women in Tech Allies.

Craig Roberts

Shimmering Starfish with Guiding Radish
USA • Mid Atlantic
Craig Roberts
“I create a world of Joy, Peace and Fearlessness by breaking free, getting involved and sharing.”
Craig has pursued a variety of volunteer opportunities. He is an active volunteer with the C & O Canal Association. completing projects such as the installation of park benches and lock signs. He has served as Commissioner for a local soccer region. With his wife, he became a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) and foster parent for troubled youths, and hosts an annual regional retreat for the Association of Research and Enlightenment.

Gregory Gardner

Open Hearted Hawk
USA • Wisconsin
Gregory Gardner
“I create a healthy and powerful world by speaking my truth and affirming others.”
Greg’s mission supports the belief that all people are deserving of care of respect. Greg provides medical and dental care to remote and underserved populations. Since retiring, he undertakes regular dental mission trips: to Jamaica, with the Rotary Club, to Peru with Flying Doctors of America, and to Honduras with the MEDICO organization. In the US Greg works with the AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin providing care to a population who have trouble affording care, are homeless, are affected with addictions or mental illness, or are otherwise stigmatized by their HIV status. Greg completed his initiation in 1997. MKP provided Greg tools to live authentically and with integrity as a gay man. Coming out later in life, he now encourages others to live fully regardless of labels or conditions. Dentistry is just one vehicle to engage, affirm and uplift people. Greg has been active in an I-group since his initiation, is an LIT with 22 staffings, and is currently Wisconsin’s I-group coordinator.

Bill Boerner

Grey Wolf with Free Soaring Hawk
USA • Philadelphia
Bill Boerner
“I co-create a world of peace through service and listening.”
Bill is very active in the recovery community. He’s been on the board of directors and board of trustees at his home group. During the pandemic, he started a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, bringing the message of recovery to addicts and alcoholics who were just entering treatment. He helped inspire and set up Zoom meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous in the tri-state area at the beginning of the first COVID-19 lockdown. Lower Bucks hospital tests all patients for COVID-19 before admitting them, so Bill took the risk of going in person. He’s a front line worker who repeatedly put himself in harm’s way, this resulted in getting COVID and then later going back to work.
Grew up in Northeast Philadelphia, Robotics Technician for Amazon, married, one daughter, new grandfather. Went through in October 2018. Member LKS.

John Marsden

Leaping Dolphin
USA • San Diego
John Marsden
“The sunshine of my love shines through when I believe myself and show my tender heart.”
Since 2014 John has made leadership in the Boy Scouts of America his mission of service. Years of direct leadership as Scoutmaster created space for 80-100 youth “to fail safely, develop leadership skills and gain skills to function in the world as a productive member of society.” Additionally, he served on staff for National Jamboree and World Jamboree, ensuring a safe environment for 2000 scouts. Through BSA, John enjoys mentoring young boys and girls in their growth to becoming productive members of society. John used his MKP skill set to create a “safer place for other men and women to be authentic and grow.” John also owns a corporate safety training company where he directly incorporates MKP core values into his training syllabus: taking responsibility for your own safety, helping others to stay safe, showing up to do the right thing, taking accountability for what you do. He has been married to his wife, Jackie for over 29 years.

Elders for Climate Justice

USA • New England Area
Elders for Climate Justice
Stew Kennedy, Jud Lawrie, Lance Polya, Robert Ryan, Steve Simmer, Steve Aman and Jon Witte
We, the Elders for Climate Justice, are dedicated to creating conversations about climate change, and urgently encouraging action. We recognize the special responsibility of Elders to serve as Earth stewards and to leave a sustainable and healthy planet for all those who follow. Our emphasis is on specific actions people can take to help in the important battle against the escalating dangers of climate change. We intend to pay special attention to the impacts of climate change on those most harmed by and least able to cope with it.