Jim Ramm

USA • Central Plains
Jim Ramm
“I create a world of joyful community within, by sharing my talents, skills and passion with the world around me.”
Jim is Co-founder of Eco-engineering, a growing corporation committed to creating clean energy for a changing world. He has helped grow Eco-engineering from 2 employees to over 50 employees and subcontractors all over the world. Jim’s mission of service is most evident at the Sunday dinner gatherings that he and his wife, Stephanie host regularly at his home in Des Moines. Parents, children, grandchildren and good friends are treated to carefully prepared food, and often selected readings or poetry, in an atmosphere of inclusiveness, love and celebration. Jim has a long list of men he mentors in their quest to become better men and live out their personal missions in the world. Jim grew up with 6 brothers and sisters in Omaha, NE, often the brunt of racial prejudice against his Japanese heritage. He graduated from Kansas State University. He was initiated in South Sioux City, NE in September 2009.
Ernest Patterson

USA • South Central Area
Ernest Patterson
“As a man among men, I co-create a world of love by loving myself, my family and my fellow man unconditionally.”
Ernest Patterson, MS, LCDC is a Chemical Dependency Counselor in Houston Texas. He has 19 years of experience in this field and is the recipient of the Elves Smith Counselor of the year award for the state of Texas, USA. He is also an MKP full leader (since 2008) and has staffed 154 weekends, 64 as a full leader – including NWTAs in Australia and South Africa. His team building skills were greatly enhanced from his years on the basketball court. Ernest was drafted by the Chicago Bulls as a professional basketball player in 1983 out of New Mexico State University. Ernest, born in 1960, is married with two daughters. He has a BA in Business Management and an MS in Addiction Counseling from Grand Canyon University in Arizona, USA. Currently he is Program Director/Clinician with the Ethos Behavioral Health Group at the Lovett Clinic in Houston, Texas
Philippe de Wergifosse

Philippe de Wergifosse
“Je crée un monde puissant et respectueux en assumant ma juste place”
Philippe de Wergifosse est ingénieur agronome de formation, officier sapeur-pompier professionnel et consultant en gestion de crise (humanitaire et anti-terrorisme). Au cours de ses nombreuses missions de part le monde (du Yémen en Haïti, du Japon au Tchad, du Cameroun au Liban,…) et par ses interventions au quotidien dans le cadre de la lutte contre l’incendie et de l’aide médicale urgente, … il est confronté depuis plus de 25 ans à toute la misère d’un monde en perdition. C’est probablement ce qui l’a poussé à créer, grâce à de nombreux soutiens et collaborations, un centre d’éducation à la citoyenneté, “Le Monde de Thamagoria,” implanté en Argonne (France) qui offre à des jeunes adultes un espace de liberté et de créativité, où ils peuvent apprendre à (re)prendre leur vie en main, à lui (re)donner un sens. Basé sur une approche pédagogique de type “Montessori.” Thamagoria, c’est un lieu d’échange et de confrontation des idées, où chacun apprend la puissance de l’entraide et la richesse de la diversité, au travers d’une expérience initiatique en pleine nature, d’un retour aux fondamentaux de la vie en collectivité, prônant l”économie du don, la mutualisation des ressources, l’intelligence collective.
Todd Phillips

USA • Greater Carolinas
Todd Phillips
“I co-create an optimistic world able to heal by modeling my passion for being authentic, vulnerable, and powerfully loving.”
Todd says, “I have a responsibility to make a difference in the world by serving others. The greatest gift for me in my life is to give to others.” He is known for his extensive leadership and philanthropy over the last 24 years on a national, area, and community level. Todd’s life’s mission beyond MKP is global, prolific, and worthy of recognition.
He was initiated in December 1999 in Reidsville NC. Todd says, “That weekend changed my life in so many ways.” His multiple leadership roles in MKP USA along with roles in several communities in the Greater Carolina’s Area have strengthened his desire to look at the greater world around him.”
Gus Wilhelmy

USA • Chicago
Gus Wilhelmy
“Accountability is quintessential in life, putting values into action, behaving so I walk my talk.”
Gus grew up on a chicken farm, became a Catholic monk, an ordained priest and university professor. He then became the visionary and co-founder of Safer Foundation. Since 1970, this non-profit has helped tens of thousands offenders make their effective transition from being incarcerated to landing meaningful jobs, procuring decent housing, gaining an education, securing health benefits and rejoining society. Safer is a leader in helping enact laws that address issues of people with arrest records. Today, with a $30 million annual budget, it has 250+ employees, at least one in every Illinois jail and in Adult Training Centers. Gus is also the founder of Chicago’s Philanthropy Club, a fisherman and poet. Gus says, “Maybe those who really should be nominated are all the men and women who made a successful transition from prison to society. And today they are Chicago and Illinois taxpayers shoring up our economy and creating safer communities for all to us to live in.”
Dene Maria Sebastiana

USA • Colorado
Dene Maria Sebastiana
“My mission is to make the world a more peaceful place by spreading my Gold with listening, hearing and patience.”
Richard’s impact in the entrepreneurship community all over Upstate New York (Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse) is legendary. And most recently he has been passionately working on Ending Racism. Richard is active in the Exploring Racism Group body of work, which are learning circles made up of business and organizational leaders who are learning about the impact of Systemic Racism, and committed to ending it in our organizations and businesses. Probably his biggest impact of all, is that he was the person who convinced the County Legislature and County Managers to rename the Rochester airport after Frederick Douglass. Richard has personally caused the creation and growth of many businesses and led the Ending Racism charge here in Rochester.
Richard A. Glaser

USA • Upstate New York
Richard A. Glaser
“My mission is to make the world a more peaceful place by spreading my Gold with listening, hearing and patience.”
Richard’s impact in the entrepreneurship community all over Upstate New York (Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse) is legendary. And most recently he has been passionately working on Ending Racism. Richard is active in the Exploring Racism Group body of work, which are learning circles made up of business and organizational leaders who are learning about the impact of Systemic Racism, and committed to ending it in our organizations and businesses. Probably his biggest impact of all, is that he was the person who convinced the County Legislature and County Managers to rename the Rochester airport after Frederick Douglass. Richard has personally caused the creation and growth of many businesses and led the Ending Racism charge here in Rochester.
Terry Jones

USA • Northwest
Terry Jones
“To walk in the world more like an elder and help other men do the same.”
Terry’s volunteer work has involved him in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Elderhood and mentoring. He is on the planning board for the non profit Multicultural Services Center of South Sound (MSCSS) providing advocacy services to immigrants and others new to the USA. He published the book The Elder Within (2001) and Nagasawa: A Samurai in America (2022). 20 years ago he became a volunteer mentor in SCORE, the nation’s largest network of volunteer, expert business mentors who help small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals. Terry was initiated into MKP in 1996 in Washington state, is a father of six and retired in 2009.
Warriors of Color United

USA • Mid Atlantic
Warriors of Color United
“I co-create a world of fulfillment, legacy and peace by building community, inspiring others, and living through my heart.”
Robert is a life-long educator, and community activist in his Puna community on the Island of Hawaii. He is living his mission by mentoring youth through Boys to Men Hawaii, serving as a mentor for men in their 20-40s, and supporting men and women in living their soul’s mission as a mentor for the Purpose Guides Institute. In May 2021 he began Puna Rising, to connect, inform, and inspire the people to work together collaboratively, identify markets, explore new opportunities and to build a robust community ethos. Puna Rising seeks to be the 21st century commons that engages and uplifts all members of the community. In 2022 Robert has became a member of U-school and is co-leading an international team of community activists as part of a prototype, Expanding the Mycorrhizal Network,. Robert’s commitment to this work represents his contribution to The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible.
Robert Golden

Canada • Alberta
Robert Golden
“I co-create a world of fulfillment, legacy and peace by building community, inspiring others, and living through my heart.”
Robert is a life-long educator, and community activist in his Puna community on the Island of Hawaii. He is living his mission by mentoring youth through Boys to Men Hawaii, serving as a mentor for men in their 20-40s, and supporting men and women in living their soul’s mission as a mentor for the Purpose Guides Institute. In May 2021 he began Puna Rising, to connect, inform, and inspire the people to work together collaboratively, identify markets, explore new opportunities and to build a robust community ethos. Puna Rising seeks to be the 21st century commons that engages and uplifts all members of the community. In 2022 Robert has became a member of U-school and is co-leading an international team of community activists as part of a prototype, Expanding the Mycorrhizal Network,. Robert’s commitment to this work represents his contribution to The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible.
Floyd Baptiste

Canada • Alberta
Floyd Baptiste
“To be kind and loveable by helping people in society.”
Floyd, initiated in September 2017, is 31 years old and lives in Wetaskiwin, Alberta. He is a compassionate, caring, Indigenous man who always looks to help others in any way that he can. Floyd has volunteered at The Rock Soup Greenhouse & Foodbank as the Indigenous Liaison. He has worked with the vulnerable and houseless population in his community. His roles include, educating the public about Indigenous culture, providing outreach support for the houseless population, cultural needs and assessment, and providing equal opportunities for food security. At Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, Floyd works with individuals to help them reach and maintain their sobriety. Sometimes he chairs meetings and other times he helps to set up and greet the guests! Other times, he attends for his self-care and wellbeing.

Frank Asher

Pregnant Papa Seahorse
USA • Mid Atlantic Area
Frank Asher
“Co-create a space or place by bringing people and plants together allowing this connection to benefit our environment as well as our culture.”
I created a company called Fairies’ Crossing that got started by guerrilla gardening in Dupont Circle in Washington DC. In my imagination, the fairies could cross into this world and return home safely through my garden space. I also owned an urban Nursery with the mission: “Bringing People and Plants together.” It was known as the “GREEN BEATING HEART OF SHAW”. We hosted events for the DC State Fair, Several Community Organizations and Art and Performance Projects. We had native perennials, a bee hive, a worm bed and children’s classes to introduce the next generation to nature. This urban space also hosted meet ups for men from MKP and their loved ones. In 2018, I sold these businesses and retired. Since then, I have joined the Board of the Gilchrist Museum here in Cumberland MD. My soul’s purpose has been to elevate this garden for future visitors. Creating a smaller version of Longwood Gardens. It is so important to me that we honor the planet and encourage and support nature to do its best.

Charlie Bauer

El Lobo (The Wolf)
USA Northwest
Charlie Bauer
“I create a world of joy, ease and freedom through connection, love, and forgiveness.”
Charlie funneled $89,000 in community donations after the Alameda fire into survival necessities for migrant families while simultaneously serving on several disaster response, emergency shelter, and transitional housing task forces. Charlie earned a degree from UC Berkeley. He then started a bilingual homework and soccer after-school program. He has worked in Oakland, Richmond, Ecuador, and Berkeley, where he created a bilingual middle school classroom. He helped found an Elementary Immersion Program and completed his Master’s in Education Administration.

Nick Schalk

Pit Bull Watched Over By Eagle Spirit
USA • St. Louis
Nick Schalk
“I create the world of unconditional love, by authentically being divinely who I am”
Nick initiated in the Spring of 2005. In the years since, he has served and represented the St. Louis Center/Area in multiple local, national, and international leadership positions. Nick for many years either led or co-led, the Monday night Open I-Group. He is also a man who has and will, often on short notice, spend time supporting non-Warriors interested in MKP. His meetings with new men, often over coffee or lunch have been significant factors in our ability put on NWTA’s and grow our community.
Outside of MKP, he lives, models, and teaches core MKP values of integrity, accountability, auenticity, compassion, respect, and leadership. For many years, he served as a coach for his sons’ hockey, soccer, and baseball teams. He coached all ages from 4 and 5 years old to young adults. With each team he served, he modeled and instilled within each player, the practice accountability and integrity, often conducting accountability processes with the boys. His efforts paid off; his hockey teams won 3 state championships and 3 of his players are playing for the NHL.
Nick looks for opportunities to support those beyond MKP. In 2014, he led efforts to create and deliver a proposal to offer a diversity workshop the City of Ferguson. In 2018 he co-created The Fatherwork Workshop. It is about understanding the impact of the father on the child and the process of enhancing and transforming this experience of fathering for the present and future generations.

Octavio C. Leal

USA • San Diego Area
Octavio C. Leal
“I co-create a world of love and peace by not judging, listening, and by being patient.”
Octavio is a caring, peaceful, hardworking, and a reliable man. He makes a difference in this world by being at service in his community, at church, in his career, with his family, and by volunteering at non-profit organizations. He works as a Counselor at Cuyamaca college helping justice involved and justice impacted students. Before Covid he volunteered at RJ Donavan Prison in the prison transition education program. Additionally, he is a volunteer with the San Diego Boys to Men mentorship program. Octavio completed his MKP Warrior weekend in May 2010 in San Diego, California. He is at service at his twelve-step meeting at Eastlake Church and is the sponsor coordinator for this group. He is also involved with MKP-Warrior of Color United (WOCU) to support other men with their personal growth process and to make a positive impact in our society. Octavio Leal is an educator that helps students throughout their educational journey. He is married and has two young adult children. He is a Latino man and was born in San Diego, California. He likes to travel and to go camping with his family and friends.

Don Goodeve

Crazy Python
Canada • British Columbia
Don Goodeve
“I create a world of deep connection through fierce loving presence.”
I am 53, divorced (twice), a father of 2 Boys in their early 20s. I live with my partner of four years in a house we co-own in Campbell River. I earn a living as an Engineering Consultant and Coach; two careers which appear to becoming more closely entwined over time. I am devoting much of the rest of my time to the cause of waking up our society to the reality and imminent threat of the Climate Crisis. I have aligned myself with Extinction Rebellion as the best hope we have of causing the cultural shift required in time.
As a Coach – I work with individuals and organizations to recognize and transcend their shadows. I may use different language, but the MKP distinctions are an accurate description. In both cases I work to reflect to my clients how they are showing up, identify the presence of the shadows in the room and invite them into working past these into the fullness of their gold and possibility. Over time I have noticed my own shadows of ‘Who am I to?’ and ‘Not enough’ have given way to allow me to show up with passion and humor; the ‘fierceness’ of my mission to have the conversations needed to awaken others from their trance, and me from my own. As an Engineering Consultant I am valued for my skills; however getting the job done is all about people. Over time the two careers are becoming ever closer.
Which brings me to Extinction Rebellion.
For my entire adult life I have been engaged with the subject of connection and relationships. I believe that the existential crisis which humanity faces is a crisis of connection. I have become disconnected from the natural world as a cultural shadow of the basis of life, the ‘environment’ as ‘other’ has come to dominate my world view. The creation of ‘other’ has allowed me to dismiss the sufferings of my fellow humanity. The distractions I have experienced have numbed me and I have allowed to create within me an experience of powerlessness. I believe this experience is shared by many. I sometimes experience the work of living to be so much that I do not spare time or thoughts for the others similarly caught. This existence of ‘othering’ and externalizing is, I believe, at the root of the predicament in which we find ourselves as humanity. Those who I perceive to hold to the connectedness and sacredness of all life and humanity continue to be marginalized and oppressed.
In the face of this, I experience waves of rage, despair, impotence. And I know that all that will make a difference is working through these experiences of fear back into the light of ‘fierce loving presence’. I have found allies that support me in this path. I know I cannot do it alone.
I have yet to be arrested as an activist. I am ready to put my body on the line. I know many people who have done so many times and I am deep respect of the stand which they have taken against the mindless injustice of our way of living. Extinction Rebellion is based on the realization so well put by Margaret Mead in the MKP ‘Context’ piece, that the only thing that has ever changed the course of humanity is the actions of a small group of thoughtful committed people, acting from their conscience, from their heart to create a better future – a future beyond themselves. For the generations to come. With Extinction Rebellion it is non-violent and direct.
I am deeply concerned about our future. From my scientific training I understand a great deal of what has become increasingly obvious during the course of my lifetime. There is urgency to bending the course of history – and I am engaged in seeking out and working with others to create and join together in a social movement sufficient to the task of change. Realizing that no individual is to blame; that ultimately there is no fault, I have committed to a path of non-violence in doing so. The inspiration of Ghandi, Mandela, King and others is alive in this movement and is a source of strength.
I do not know that we can succeed. I see no alternative.
I am honoured that you see my commitment to this cause as reason for recognition. I hope through this nomination that I can further this cause and use the opportunity to extend the urgent call for taking a stand for our future throughout the Mankind Project.

Mike Holdstock

Independent Wolf
Mike Holdstock
“I see the excellence in myself and everyone else, just as we are.”
Mike’s work with the Men’s Forum and the men’s hotline is about creating a space for men to give and get from one another. He created a men’s hotline for men to support men in building on what’s working in their lives, even in times of crisis. Mike follows the path where what comes naturally to him and what serves the world meet.

Steve Kurtagh

USA • Northern California
Steve Kurtagh
“My Mission is to create a better world by selfless service to others.”
Steve Kurtagh has been a leader for Boys To Men in Northern California since 2010. In the last two years he has spearheaded Boys-To-Men circles in San Francisco, trained more than a dozen new leaders, established Northern California Boys To Men as an independent 501c3, while keeping the existing programs in Santa Cruz County going. During Covid, he managed to adapt the program from an historical in-person model to an online model. In the years with Boys to Men, Steve has raised funds, organized and staffed boys weekends, helped start new circles, and has impacted the lives of hundreds of boys. Steve lives in Santa Cruz, California. He has been married for 49 years, and has a daughter and two grandsons. He has been an active volunteer since his retirement in 2010. He is the President of the Board and Program Director for Boys to Men Northern California, which he established as an independent organization in the last two years. He is also a mentor/docent at Ano Nuevo State Park Seal Rookery, and volunteers at Santa Cruz Operation Surf, and at YearUp.

Paul Johnson

Wolf King
USA • Chicago
Paul Johnson
“I create safety in the world by holding a vision of the Divine for the protection of the initiation of the sacred masculine for myself and for the world.”
Paul has dedicated his life to battling racism, sexism, and homophobia in the labor movement. We celebrate his exceptional contributions to making the world a safer place and living his mission, both inside and outside MKP. Paul was a local business representative in the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, a union organization with more than 17,000 members. His role exposed him too many challenging situations throughout his career which called for a different viewpoint, to resolve cultural issues. Paul’s wisdom and experience he developed in his years with MKP, enabled him to handle a vast array of diverse situations. His work in changing men’s perspectives to see each other as human, with differences, still lives lives on today. In the early 2000s, he designed and facilitated a training program called “Blind Privilege”, which educates and supports men looking at their learned childhood core beliefs that perpetuate racism and privilege in the world. Paul is a Chicago native and a former IBEW labor representative. He was initiated as a New Warrior in 1993 at Camp Henry Horner. He has staffed over 92 MKP weekends, including as a certified co-leader.”

Cory Derby

Red Bull with Open Heart
USA • Central Plains
Cory Derby
“To create a loving world by trusting myself, others and God.”
This man gives some of the men of Sioux City a 2nd chance! He established his life to the point where he owns and runs a lawn care/snow removal business after being incarcerated for living part of his life in the drug world. He hires many unfortunates in his business to get a work history and a chance to get their feet back on the ground. He was an integral member of the founding of an Oxford House, a 3/4 house living facility for recovering alcoholics/addicts. He participates in a yearly campout, in January, to raise funds for the homeless. He has started taking Recovery into jails and sponsors many men in Recovery. He shares of his Gifts to help the less fortunate get a chance for Recovery.
Cory grew up in Sioux City. Born 1971. Corresponded with Warrior Brother for 63 months while serving time in Federal prison. Initiated in April 2007 in Central Plains. Two years ago, stepped away from secure full time work and started working full time in lawn care/snow removal business he has developed over his lifetime.

Piers Cross

Powerful Lion
UK and Ireland
Piers Cross
“I create a world of love and connection through feeling everything both the light and the dark. And by being present with an open heart.”
I support men and teenage boys to heal from childhood trauma especially in the realm of boarding school individually and globally. I work with men and boys coaching and mentoring 1-1 specifically around childhood trauma and boarding school syndrome. I have published a book last year called How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging in Times. My second book is currently with the publishers called Boarding School Syndrome and Recovery where I share my own journey of abuse, suicide and trauma at a boarding school. I also run a podcast called An Evolving Man where I interview leaders in the trauma and men’s psychology field. I run a bi-weekly men’s circle online focusing on masculine psychology and boarding school. I also am a Volunteer Explorer Scout leader for 15-18 year old and a DofE Supervisor and Assessor. I also work as an artist, and a poet.

Jeremy Byard

Amateur Prophet Bonobo
USA • Mid America Area, Kentucky Legacy
Jeremy Byard
“To create an equitable world by empowering others, by being passionate, open minded, and vulnerable.”
Jeremy Byard is a veteran and a visionary who is a passionate advocate devoted to ensuring our community has equitable access to high quality, evidence-based solutions, and services. Byard has expertise in organizing and building Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care, implementation of evidence-based interventions, legislative advocacy, arts-based participatory community-based activism, and research.
Jeremy Byard is the founder and director of KY’s first Louisville Recovery Community Organization (LRCC.) Jeremy recognized the gap in support and advocacy services and launched this endeavor in 2019. The LRCC is a safe and inclusive space for all and is a hub of resources for our most vulnerable members of our community and serves over 15,000 individuals annually. The Organization has brought forth multiple programs including KY’s first mobile telehealth unit, distributed over 1000 Covid tests, hosted 3 Covid vaccination events, provided 6,000 meals to the homeless, given over 37K hygiene and survival items to the homeless and hosted many more events to the marginalized in Louisville. Jeremy’s organization provided 3000 Narcon doses and he personally performed 7 OD reversals. LRCC has a budget of $500K and operates with 4 staff, 2 interns and many volunteers. Jeremy lives out his mission every day by empowering others and he has built a multicultural organization which continues to grow. Byard has been a key stakeholder in recent legislation resulting in positive change to our criminal justice system.

Mish Middelmann

Seeing Bat
South Africa • Johannesburg
Mish Middelmann
“I create a world of love and creative fulfillment by loving, connecting and empowering myself and others.”
As a prostate cancer survivor Mish’s service to the world is a unique online global support group and website for men who had their prostate removed, and their loved ones. Mish started as a successful IT entrepreneur who thereafter crafted his own leadership coaching business. He is a past National Director of MKP South Africa and currently a revered Elder.
Mish is a prostate cancer survivor serving the world by building a unique global community for former prostate owners and their loved ones. Mish’s 2019 diagnosis of prostate cancer was followed by a radical prostatectomy that rocked the core of his manhood. He found no prostate cancer centres for men, little useful information online, and lots of reluctance to talk about issues like erectile dysfunction. He felt lonely and saw an opportunity for the radical openness and mutual support pioneered by MKP. So Mish launched the “Recovering Man” website telling his own story candidly, week by week, and gathering stories of other men and their partners at www.recoveringman.net. He created a global support group meeting live online for men of all sexual orientations to talk deeply and openly about personal prostate cancer and sexual health experiences. The number of enthusiastic and thankful participants grows every month. The next step will be to train facilitators to create local support groups across the world.

Jeff Kidman

USA • New England Area
Jeff Kidman
“I create the space where others can experience the love and healing that is waiting for them so they can realize their own potential, especially young men.”
Jeff Kidman was initiated into Men’s work in 1994 and has been involved in Men’s circles and volunteer leadership since then. Jeff has been working with Boys to Men USA/Mentoring to Manhood New England since 2008. During the summer of 2004 he had a revelation that more needs to be done in providing initiation for our boys. Men have been initiating other men but initiation was and is meant for the young, to bring them into a path toward mature manhood. Jeff had been reading and working on how to accomplish this locally when Boys to Men New England was founded by Dave Bolduc and John Cummings. He was there at the first Boys Adventure Weekend in New England in 2008 and has been working with them in various capacities ever since, including as event leader for many weekend events and as Executive Director. In October of 2016 Jeff was able to represent BTMNE with other local centers at the national Boys to Men summit where a national non-profit was formed to support and grow this work nationally.

Daniel Scruggs

Compassionate Turtle
USA • Greater Carolinas
Daniel Scruggs
“I share musical instruments and culture to educate, inspire and unite.”
Daniel Scruggs uses his gifts as a professional musician, world traveler and cultural educator to educate, inspire and unite. He has shared his PEACE CULTURE MUSIC program in pre-schools, grade schools, colleges, hospitals, retirement communities, with students with special needs and learning disabilities, refugees from war torn countries, on two Native American reservations and with hundreds of educators and thousands of children throughout seven countries. Daniel has collaborated with humanitarian organizations in the developing world and volunteers in high-risk, underserved communities in the USA to offer free cultural education programs, produce concerts and build resource centers equipped with hi-quality instruments and free music lessons. Daniel’s goal is to show up as the teacher he wished he had as a child; safe, caring, compassionate, accountable, and fun. The PEACE CULTURE MUSIC program features over 150 musical instruments from six continents, shared interactively, with emphasis on the universal importance of story, tradition, language, geographical literacy and peace.
Daniel uses his love and passion for music and culture to bring people together. He is committed to using these gifts to uplift and connect people from all ages and backgrounds.
Daniel Scruggs is a world citizen, professional musician and experienced educator who is on a mission to educate, inspire and unite. He has traveled extensively throughout our world as a student and educator of human cultures and global music making traditions. He created the interactive enrichment program PEACE CULTURE MUSIC to share these experiences, increase intercultural understanding and promote peace.

David Amelio

Sacred Mountain Lion with Open-Heart
USA • Philadelphia
David Amelio
“I Co-create a world of love by embracing the sacred man, healing the human condition through initiation, awareness and teaching others to open up to the full potential of their divine being.”
For the past 27 years I have been enrolled in men’s work, both inside MKP and outside MKP. I have worked from inside prison walls and worked with men’s groups to better support their circles and to deepen their work. I provide teaching and process work to men’s groups. I am currently working with white men about their privilege in the system, holding men where they are regarding race. I work at looking at my own background and history around black and white, outing my internal racism and helping others to talk about race in a safe place.

Ari Yahrok

Bad Ass Blood Wolf
USA • SouthWest
Ari Yahrok
“I am the one who creates intimacy by embracing vulnerability in myself and others.”
Ari creates safe spaces to heal. He does this through drumming and gardening. Ari volunteers with special needs preschoolers, many whom don’t yet have the language to talk about their feelings. Most of these children are emotionally traumatized. Ari is on Disability for a Traumatic Brain Injury. 15 years ago he could not speak, read, or write. He started to rehabilitate himself by making and playing drums. He soon found out drumming is a method of communication more versatile and universal than language. Ari reached out to the community at large offering drum building classes and gifting drums for personal and ceremonial use. When he is not making drums he has his hands in the dirt. Ari maintains a vegetable garden for 48 households. He also trains others to build gardens in their own backyards. He does this in collaboration with the Southern Arizona Community Food Bank. Ari is a Mentor and Elder in the Tucson Transgender Community. He is an active contributor to Southern Arizona Gender Alliance, speaking and educating the Greater Tucson Community.

Dan Erickson

White Eagle
Canada • Alberta
Dan Erickson
“I create a world of harmony and peace through service and compassion.”
Dan volunteers at the Health Science Centre supporting staff. He also supports the National Microbiology Laboratory Wellness committee. He just finished an End-of-Life Doula program and will be volunteering service for terminal clients. Dan holds kingly energy through his amazing patience and gift of giving. He takes great pleasure supporting, learning and helping his Autistic grandson. His generosity is angelic as he always thinks of others before himself and gives not only of his time but helps those in need financially whenever he can. His eldership is such a gift through patience and a true understanding that all people matter. His lover energy is so beautiful as he not only takes care of family at a drop of a dime, but he lends his healings gift to many suffering from minor aches and pains to deep trauma and deadly cancer through Pranic healing and genuine deep caring. His magician comes to play when dealing with complex situations in family and career. The nominator truly believes Dan is a gift from above, doing amazing things and living his mission and it will be a blessing to have him collect this award. Deep love and admiration for a truly gifted man.

Richard Torres

USA • South Central Area
Richard Torres
“I co-create a world of love, compassion and justice by being open, honest and fair.”
Richard Torres spent years in the culinary field, serving others as a caterer and chef. During his tenure as head of the Houston community, he began a course of study to become a mid-school/high school teacher. He completed his studies and was awarded a teaching certificate. For several years, Richard has been involved on many levels with Land Of My Grandfathers (LOMG), a non-profit organization serving groups of men and women in their pursuit of spiritual and personal growth. Richard has done extensive service work at LOMG for the past 10 years, such as: served as board chairman for 3 years, coordinated all maintenance, repairs, and landscaping (even buying a tractor using his own money), raised funds for special projects and events. In 2021, he led the $190,000 improvement project and took over (and learned from the ground up) the role of LOMG treasurer after the passing of Jerry England. He also provided community service work at the Houston Convention Center for several days in the aftermath of the devastating Hurricane Harvey flooding in Houston (August 2017). Richard is currently a certified Co-leader in MKP International and up until the end of 2021, served as MKP USA Operations Circle Lead.

Scott MacRae, MD

Golden Eagle
USA • Upstate New York
Scott MacRae, MD
“I embrace my healing and feelings, giving myself and others with love.”
I am a physician and surgeon who lost my father at an early age. This launched me into a life of self discovery culminating with my New Warrior Training almost 30 years ago in San Diego. That weekend changed my view of life and men. I returned to Portland, Oregon and eventually myself and 4 other men came together to help start New Warrior Northwest serving at that time men from San Francisco to Vancouver, BC. In 2,000, I moved to Rochester and was quickly taken into the Bull by the Horn Men’s I Group who embraced me into their brotherhood. I’ve used my training to teach other young medical professionals. As a passionate bicyclist and health nut, I’ve dedicated my time to making our streets safer for bicyclists and pedestrians and served as the President of the Rochester Cycling Alliance working with the mayor and county exec. For every effort I’ve put into our community, I’ve been repaid tenfold by the generosity and wisdom of The Mankind Project and the people of Rochester.

Justin VanBuskirk

Trusting Tiger
USA • Mid America Area, Central Great Lakes
Justin VanBuskirk
“I co-create a safe environment for myself and others to authentically heal, express and thrive.”
Justin has been living his mission by focusing his efforts on helping others take care of their overall health, and helping victims in crisis, particularly after storms in December 2021 in the Midwest USA. Activities Justin has been involved in to live his Mission… Justin has undertaken considerable training over the past 2 years through the CHEK Institute to increase his skills and certification as a holistic healer. Soon after his most recent training session, he volunteered to help staff a wellness / empowerment training where he contributed significantly from his MKP background. He has personally invited well over a dozen men as guests to our Soaring Men I-Group, several of whom have become long-standing members. He has been an active member in two local I-Groups in West Michigan; the Soaring Men of Grand Rapids as well as the Men of Laughing Waters of Kalamazoo. He partnered with another man in Cleveland to launch a Young Warriors virtual I-Group that meets 2x / month, with members from multiple states. This year he took the on-line IGFT training. He also attended Facilitation Skills workshops offered by our group both in-person and on-line, as well as Carpet Workshops; where he has consistently stepped up to practice / strengthen his facilitation skills. Finally, on his way back from a road trip to the western states, Justin simply decided to plan a course back home via Mayfield, KY which was one of the worst devastated communities hit by a recent tornado. Justin is contributing both his considerable mechanical / construction skills to help the recovery there, as well as his compassionate support for the people there who are in need. Both the Soaring Men and Men of Laughing Waters contributed $500 each to support Justin in his efforts.

Jay Kassirer

Sensuous Monk
Canada • Ontario
Jay Kassirer
“I co-create a sustainable world by loving and empowering myself and others.”
For 25 years, Jay has trained and supported governments, NGOs and business leaders worldwide to plan and evaluate programs that empower people to adopt more sustainable lifestyles. He publishes the largest collection of publicly available full-length case studies of such programs and manages three peer review panels that designate best-in-class ones. He helped found the field’s professional associations (ISMA/SMANA) and is a reviewer for its main journal (SMQ.) He first led personal empowerment trainings (“Experience Weeks”) in the early 80’s while on staff at the Findhorn Foundation, Scotland. Jay has supported and empowered people worldwide to adopt more sustainable lifestyles. Jay was born in Ottawa, where he currently lives with his wife Rita. He has five children/step-children. Jay enjoys harmonizing and playing guitar and performs with Rita at a weekly Open Stage.

Rob Sötemann

Joyful Hog with Gold Heart
USA • Wisconsin
Rob Sötemann
“I create a world of Love and Compassion by loving myself unconditionally and supporting everybody to his fullest potential.”
Sötemann was born in Amsterdam in The Netherlands on September 2nd, 1948. He got deeply involved with men’s work in 1985. He moved with his family to the US in 2000 on a search for inner peace. As so many, he found the source within himself. Rob got involved with the ManKind Project in the fall of 2015. After his NWTA he staffed several weekends until covid stopped the weekends from happening. He occupied the Wisconsin Elder Chair from March 2019 until September 2021. Since the spring of 2016 Rob got involved with prison work through the TRUTH Project. He staffed around a dozen weekends in Oshkosh and Racine. As soon as the Racine Correctional Institute was opened up after covid, Rob has been driving weekly 225 miles up and down every Wednesday from Lake Delton to Racine to be available for men inside. After assisting a friend on her final journey in October 2016 Rob has been a Hospice volunteer and a close companion to several of his friends in their final stretch.

Murray “Cappy” Caplan

Golden Blessing Eagle
USA • Colorado
Murray “Cappy” Caplan
“I co-create a world of love and acceptance by loving and accepting myself.”
I was very lucky at a very young age to have parents who accepted me just the way I was and modeled a joyful life reached through a love of learning. There really wasn’t an “”OTHER”” in their conversations with me. So, it was very natural for me to go into pediatrics because teaching children, adolescents, and their parents my “Mission Statement” was a joyful experience. One of my children noticed how much fun I was having, and she was upset with me when she found out I got paid for my services. I spent 4 years in the Indian health service practicing pediatrics with the different tribes of Oklahoma. There were no reservations there and it was amazing to see Native Americans accepting the beautiful parts of our culture–but not giving up their own. I have also worked with the Sioux of South Dakota the Navajo of New Mexico, and the Apache of Arizona— they have given me a tremendous appreciation of the land–after time with them I realize how many things are more important than money (not just the land, but friendships, family, and giving back). Today, I practice at child and adolescent psychiatry helping my patients ages 4 to 30yrs of age who have spent years living on the streets with their mental health issues and the trauma they’ve suffered in their lives. Our goals for these patients are very simple–give them the tools to find a job, a home in which to live, and a new opportunity to trust people for the first time in their lives. I initiated in 1994 and I have staffed 25 weekends–my daughter told me I had 2 families–my family, and my patients–and she was glad to be in one of them. My wife would tell you I have 3 families–my family, my patients, and my “MKP Warrior Brothers”. Thankfully, for me, she too is glad to be in one of them.

Simon Larouche

Lion Engagé
Canada • Québec
Simon Larouche
“Je cocrée un monde de jeu de joie et de collaboration en connectant le Vivant.”
Créateur, fondateur et propriétaire du Centre de l’Hêtre un centre de ressourcement en pleine nature jumelé à un projet d’éco-communauté. Le volet éco-communauté a été inspiré en partie des enseignements de Bill Kauth et sa femme Zoe Alowan. Simon est coach professionnel certifié et fondateur de SYMA coaching, une école de coaching professionnel qui vise à créer une humanité florissante en connexion avec le Vivant. Simon anime et participe à des cercles d’Homme depuis plus de 17 ans. Il est cocréateur du cercle à Lac-Beauport avec Martin Legault et Jean-Philippe Ruette. Passionné du développement humain, depuis plus de 20 ans, Simon accompagne chaque individu et entreprise, à travers un processus transformationnel durable.