Adam Abelardo Gettinger-Brizuela

Papa Gorilla
USA • San Diego
Adam Abelardo Gettinger-Brizuela
“I create a world of nurtured children and empowered adults by educating myself and passing on the knowledge to others.”
Adam began his journey as a grassroots community organizer as a 15 year-old high school student. Forty years later, he is still committed to addressing social inequalities.
After enduring devastating challenges in his own life, including losing his children and then slipping into mental illness and addiction, he came back to life, earning a graduate degree with honors. He has confronted social inequalities against people of color, migrant workers, ex-offenders, chemically-dependent persons, the GLBTQ community and those with co- occurring conditions. A father, grandfather,New Warrior, counselor and the founder of POPS, the Paternal Opportunities, Programs & Services organization in San Diego, Adam has most recently taken on a leadership role in the men’s and fathers’ rights and responsibilities movement in California.
POPS provides direct services to fathers and helps them reunite with their children. Adam is a founding member of the San Diego Fatherhood Network and serves on its Executive Team. A consultant and trainer on men’s issues he has been called to Sacramento to advise state planners on social policy toward men.

Preston Lopez

USA • Southern California
Preston Lopez
“I co-create a sustainable and equitable world by organizing my community and empowering the marginalized.”
Preston is an activist and organizer. He primarily devotes his energy to bringing about environmental justice through his work with the Sunrise Movement. He has also been involved in grassroots efforts to address housing and homelessness for low income communities, end “the war on drugs”, and get out the vote for midterm and presidential elections. He is also a poet and is collaborating with other queer artists of color to create events and spaces where their art can be shared and their voices heard.
Bio: Preston initiated with MKP in December of 2007. The experience changed his life and he found in MKP a safe and supportive space that he was able to turn to when coming out of the closet a few years later. Through his involvement with MKP, he has developed the personal integrity, leadership ability, and facilitation skills that support his ongoing professional and volunteer work in the world. He also met his now partner, Michael Rowley, in the project and the two are currently engaged to be married.

Fernando Álvarez

Serpiente Guerrera
México • México City
Fernando Álvarez
“Create a world of abundance and love.”
A professional Psychologist devoted to protect Mexican children from child abuse and support of Trans children in elementary public schools, Fernando also works in Gender and sexual violence prevention. As Co-Director in “Sexual Wisdom”, he has designed and given experiential conferences and workshops for children, adolescents, teachers and parents, as well as organized and facilitated conferences on Child Sexuality and Prevention of Sexual Violence. Professor of the Diploma courses in the Treatment of Sexual Abuse and Prevention in government agencies, public and private school districts. He leads a self-help group for parents of Trans children.
At MKP México he conducts workshops on sexual shadow and healing for warrior brothers. He is a great dancer, his passion is traveling and tasting different cuisines. He shares his life with his partner Viviana.

Scott Herbert “Corky” Sigurdson

Shining Owl with Sacred Heart
USA • San Diego
Scott Herbert “Corky” Sigurdson
“I create a world of love, joy, health, wealth and forgiveness, through faith in my God and action in the world.”
Member, Board of Directors Boys to Men USA; Mountain Adventure Leader Trainer, San Diego with 100+ staffings over 23 years cooking, cleaning, serving, facilitating, teaching and mentoring at risk fatherless teenage boys. – BTM serves 800 San Diego area boys in 35 weekly circles alone. Boys to Men is now nationwide.
Boys to Men Mentoring was created in 1996 by Corky’s father Herb, his brother Joe and their great friend Craig McClain out of MKP’s call for men to live lives with missions of service. Corky was the original staffman. The mission at BTM is to address the devastating effects of fatherlessness on a young man’s life. They create communities of support, encouragement and empowerment so that no boy need feel like he is alone. They are bringing these disconnected boys back into the community and encouraging them to be young men of integrity, honesty, accountability and service.

James Mayfield Smith

Courageous Wild Tree Fox
USA • Heartland
James Mayfield Smith
“I create a world of BreakThrough Moments by opening my heart, sharing my gifts, and following my dreams.”
James has built a career on the work he learned in MKP, which he has followed up with intensive work in somatics, shadow work, shamanic breathwork, shamanic counseling, voice dialogue, inner parts work, inner child work, applied mythology, and more.
James co-leads an annual initiatory Wildman Gathering in the mountains near Asheville, NC, with an MKP Warrior brother and 3 other powerful leaders of men’s work. At the Wildman Gathering, one of James’ roles is to create and tell a new epic tale each year, based on ancient initiatory myths, that becomes the story thread throughout the weekend, much as the Iron John tale serves for the NWTA.
He also serves elementary school students within a classroom setting. James has a 29 year old son, Andrew, who was initiated into MKP at age 18, and an 18 year old daughter, Ella, who is a light. She is an inspiration for him to make the world safer by working with men to recover and heal their own wounded inner Little Boy, rather than act out their hurts upon the world, as he did during his dark night of the soul prior to his own NWTA.

James R. Creasey

Strong Black Dog
USA • Colorado
James R. Creasey
“My mission is to create connection and playfulness by living with curiosity, courage and kindness.”
In the silence and confusion of dementia, on a summer holiday in 2008, James Creasey discovered new connections with his father. As they played croquet together, they both smiled. James wanted to share this experience with other families impacted by dementia and reduce the isolation of seniors who do not have family close-by to play with them. So James began to train and equip high-school and college students to play croquet at their schools as an outing, every two weeks, for the residents of local senior communities. Jiminy Wicket has played with more than 10,000 participants from 2 to 101 years old and from more than 107 countries on three continents and at events in Denver, Boston, London, and Brisbane.

Dan Loeffler

Bright Falcon
USA • Greater Carolinas
Dan Loeffler
“To serve my community when grief enters one’s life due to the death of a loved one or a relationship.”
Working through a variety of programs including Comfort Zone Camp, The Dinner Party, Death Café, and the Grief Recovery Method; Dan works with men and boys to transcend the mire of loss and grief. Last year Dan facilitated two grief workshops in North Carolina, one grief workshop in California as well as working one-on-one with many individuals. After the loss of their teenage daughter, Dan and his wife formed “Being with Grief,” a grief support network.
Dan discovered that life was possible after experiencing the heartbreaking loss of his daughter. His life as a construction manager was forever changed, but through his effort and support from MKP, found his calling to help others recover from loss and grief. He and his wife provide support through their work at Being With Grief.

Glenn Williams

Sacred Little Light
USA • New England
Glenn Williams
“I create restorative community by creating safe spaces in society to promote personal redemption, collective repair, and accountability for those impacted by the criminal justice system.”
After serving a twenty-one year prison sentence for a crime he committed at the age of 19, Glenn returned to his community to live a life of exemplary service, addressing the needs of at-risk youth and those impacted by violent crime. He has worked at Granada House as its representative to the Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery, at Street Safe Boston, a direct services programs for gang involved youth ages 16 to 25, and in the Violence, Intervention and Prevention (VIP) program located in the Mattapan section of Boston. Glenn’s work in the community has focused on collective healing, community empowerment and promoting social harmony.
In October of 2019, Glenn completed his NWTA in New Oxford, MA. Currently, Glenn co-leads a re-entry circle at Hour House in Boston where they work on emotional literacy skills and learn ways to more effectively pay forward their gifts.

Mark Rowley

Mentoring Food Lion
USA • Florida
Mark Rowley
“I create a world of limitless opportunities by teaching myself and others to be creative with their resources.”
The opioid crisis has reached epidemic proportions, with people dying every day. At Jacksonville Fire & Rescue Department, Mark Rowley, an Assistant Chief, has worked tirelessly over the past three years as a founding member of Project Save Lives, a program designed to immediately connect those who overdose with a Peer Specialist in the Emergency Room.
Beyond the fire department, Mark also serves as the Chairman of the Jacksonville Human Rights Commission – working to ensure all persons can enjoy a community free from discriminatory practices. Mark Rowley was initiated in Feb 2009 in Orange Springs, Florida. Within MKP, he has served as I-Group Representative, Florida Enrollment Coordinator and Florida I-Group Coordinator. He has staffed 21 NWTAs and MOS’d 20 times.

Allen Pulsifer Doyle

Gliding Caribou
USA • Southeast
Allen Pulsifer Doyle
“I create a loving and safe home by nurturing connection, embracing challenge, and revering nature.”
Allen’s motto is “Think Upstream,” and he looks to source issues to resolve problems downriver. Working the University of California (until 2018) he innovated resource and energy conservation programs, Energy Star and institutional procurement.
Allen’s main work is restoring his marriage, while satisfying the fulfillment he gets from empowering others. Allen leads and listens as Chair of a foundation, an energy and resource-efficiency champion, MKP Southeast officer and Earth Steward developer, hike leader and advocating for a neighborhood woodland.
Married 31 years with 3 grown children, Allen is grateful for his partner’s devotion and patience. He is a soil scientist and sustainability champion from New England, Alaska, California, and now Georgia, volunteering with support groups, running and hiking clubs, cooking and coaching, and always loving word play.

Jim Lachman

Turkey Vulture
USA • Upstate New York
Jim Lachman
“I create a beautiful world of connected people by teaching and modeling connection.”
Jim served Veterans regarding housing, employment, and substance use issues. Serves on the board of directors of the Da Nang Project serving Agent Orange victims and the poorest of the poor in Da Nang, Vietnam.
Jim earned a master’s degree and worked on healing his wounds around Vietnam, allowing him to have a greater impact on the lives of veterans as they heal their own wounds. He currently serves on the board of directors of the Da Nang Project. He is deeply immersed in learning and teaching about diversity and privilege. Jim currently serves the UNY Area as I-group Coordinator.

Anthony Avila

Strong Fox King
USA • Southwest
Anthony Avila
“I create a world of connection and belonging by first loving myself and speaking my truth.”
Anthony Avila creates connection in Tucson by involving others in work that lifts them up. Anthony successfully sponsors Red Cross blood drives and gives his own blood. Anthony invites men to Open Circles. Anthony is very active mentoring and fundraising for Boys to Men Tucson.
Anthony is president of a local public speaking group. He is one of 4 brothers and uncle to 2 nephews,1 niece, and a dog named Grady. Anthony is on the development committee for Boys to Men Tucson and a crew member at Trader Joe’s.

Pat Pattison

Hummingbird with Raven Heart
Canada • British Columbia
Pat Pattison
“I create a world of connection, peace and joy through relentless compassion and speaking my truth.”
Pat has lived his life in community service for over 20 years. His venues have included voluntary service in musical organizations, spiritual communities including a Labyrinth guild and as a mentor for educators. Since moving to BC’s interior he has served in outdoor education, gardening, and a local elementary school. He currently devotes two mornings a week to supporting teachers and students in Giant’s Head Elementary School. Over the past 4 years Pat has been intensely involved in Summerland’s programs for refugee settlement. He has been actively involved in MKP locally, regionally and internationally. He sees his community service as a primary definition of who he is and is especially fond of his grandfather at large identity, particularly as Mr. Pat at Giant’s Head Elementary School.

Henry Lucas

Slaying Mantis
USA • Mid America, Kentucky
Henry Lucas
“I create a world of greatness by believing in You, believing in me and building loving communities.”
Henry is a social worker who has become a therapist with a LCSW and a LCADC. Henry has created a 7-step program called Maximize, which he documents in his book Maximize, published in 2019, by Daria Anne Media. This program facilitates transformation in key areas of life, for people who struggle against mental illness and addiction using the terms broadly, including being addicted to negative attitudes and self-limiting beliefs. Henry’s program is being implemented in numerous settings, including counseling sessions and self-help scenarios.

Martin Lassoff

Crazy Hawk
USA • South Central
Martin Lassoff
“I teach, I lead, and I follow those I trust.”
Martin has supported the Center for the Healing of Racism as a volunteer for over 15 years, helping to facilitate the healing of racism through education and dialogue in a safe and supportive environment. He also volunteers with the Harris County Attorney’s office supervising inmates on work release programs picking up trash and other projects. He was heavily involved with Richard Torres and Brett Harmeling in supporting the victims of Hurricane Harvey during the storm and the week after, volunteering over 50 hours at the convention center, and traversing the flooded streets and neighborhoods helping stranded families reach safety.

Rod Boothroyd

Gliding Blue Heron
MKP UK & Ireland
Rod Boothroyd
“To promote reconciliation by facilitating healing circles in which people can bring their shadow into the light and so grow into emotional maturity.”
Rod leads both men-only and mixed-gender groups, the latter run with his female colleague Marianne Hill. Together with Diarmaid Fitzpatrick and Ed Rooke he has run many Emotional Process Work workshops to work on whatever is affecting their lives. He also leads a workshop called Finding the King Within, which increases men’s awareness and understanding of, and ability to embody, their Sovereign archetype. In addition, he offers one to one work with many individual clients, supporting them to achieve their goals.
To bring an understanding of this work to a wider audience, in 2018, Rod published a book.‘Warrior, Magician, Lover, King: A Guide To The Male Archetypes Updated For The 21st Century’

Patrick Dempsey

Gliding Blue Heron
USA • Central Plains
Patrick Dempsey
“I create a world of enthusiasm by practicing care for myself and others at a high level.”
Starting from scratch, Pat helped start and grow and remains active in the Des Moines MKP community since 2007. Pat is a founding member of the MKP RAGBRAI (Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) team. Pat is a member of Narcotics Anonymous (NA) for some 3 decades and contributes greatly to the NA organization in Des Moines and across Iowa. A painting contractor, he has an impact on the community and his employees through his business, Renaissance Painting. Pat is a loving father to his daughter Makenna as well as a true friend, artist, poet, and community builder for people in his life.

David Buffalo

Grief Walker
Canada • Alberta
David Buffalo
“I am a brave and courageous man painting the wondrous world and my people are my canvas.”
Dave was unhappy with the degree of exclusion within his community of Maskwacis so began to do what he could to impact on marginalization of people. In 2010 he began to volunteer with Samson Band schools. Since then he has volunteered with the Samson Food Bank, Secret Santa, Samson Celebration (pow wow), 4 Winds culture, feasts & memorials, Buffalo Ranch Rodeo, and Moonias Family memorial. Currently, he lives in Wetaskiwin and is now volunteering with Wetaskiwin & District Heritage Society and The Wetaskiwin Legion. He is soon to be on the Board for the Agape Thrift Store and Community Outreach.
Dave is self-employed supporting himself through the talents of his artistry. He paints the stories of his Cree people in the art form he calls “tipi graffiti”. He usually offers an expressive arts workshop to his community (adults and children) three times a year.

Artis Patterson

Warrior Dove with Fierce Open Heart & Wild Black Panther
USA • Mid America, Indiana Area
Artis Patterson
MKP USA Special Award
“I create a world where men can be their true, authentic selves, by being my true, authentic self.”
Art has been on a mission to create a Gateway weekend for men with physical challenges. The Barrier Free Gateway weekend was held for the first time in August of 2019, at Sleeping Dog Ranch in Prescott, AZ. Art was there, and held the spiritual and emotional center of that weekend. Art has been an MKP brother for almost 20 years.
His impact in the community continues to grow and his stand for men with differences has profoundly changed what’s possible for the ManKind Project.

Justin Tilson

Grief Walker
Canada • Ontario
Justin Tilson
“I create intentional communities that foster connections and the evolution of mind, body, and spirit. I do this by passionately living my truth and inviting others to live theirs.”
Justin was born on Manitoulin Island in Ontario, Canada. At the age of 21 his life was abruptly and permanently altered following a traumatic spinal cord injury. This started him on a path of healing, growth, purpose, connection and community building.
Justin has crafted a way to evolve his world around his vision of being an active participant in the change upon this planet that he sees necessary, through community building, permaculture and societal motivation.
He had run for elected office with the Green Party of Ontario to test the waters of accessing a greater audience to continue his wish to improve the world through collaboration with other like-minded people. With his determination to not let the limits of one’s abilities be decided by past events and beliefs each day holds possibilities with no limits.

Ray Arata III

Redwood Whispering Peace
USA • Northern California Area
Ray Arata III
“I create a safe and equal world by listening, learning, and leading with my wide open heart.”
With a vision of the possibility of evolved heart centered & inclusive male leadership in companies, Ray saw the need for men to be part of the solution of equity, equality and inclusion. He founded The Better Man Conference in 2016, a one-day event with resources, support, and community to engage men as allies in creating an inclusive culture. To date, there have been 7 conferences, in San Francisco, New York, New Jersey, and soon to be London. His audiences have included some of the largest companies in the world, and routinely have 200-300 participants, with men making up the majority of the audience. As a result of his work, UN Women bestowed upon him the award of HeForShe – Champion of Change. Ray has partnered with MKP USA for the conferences. Ray credits his 20 year experience with MKP as the main driver of his vision.
Ray has been involved in MKP for 20+ years. He’s currently a Co-Leader, with 53 staffings. Ray is happily married to Anna and has 3 adult children, with his two sons having been initiated.

Michael Rath

Powerful Tern with Jonathan Livingston Seagull
USA • Mid America, Indiana Area
Michael Rath
“To create a nurturing world by healing myself and leading other to their healing.”
Michael and his wife Barb are facilitating the “Multi-Cultural Monthly” a meeting out of a local church in Indianapolis Indiana focused on emotional literacy and muti-cultural understanding. This meeting, has attracted a variety of people through out the community. The participants are taking their learning back to their churches, jobs and local government. This growing group is having a small but significant impact on the local community.

Rory Bowman

USA • Northwest Area
Rory Bowman
“I increase abundance by attentive learning and sharing.”
Rory Bowman has aimed to live a life of service, more so since MKP initiation in 2001. An active member of various non-profit boards over many years, he is also a long-time volunteer on issues of civil rights, in Washington state prisons, as a community mediator and in support of urban trees. As an ACLU volunteer Rory was instrumental in helping to achieve marriage equality in Washington state as well as legalizing marijuana.
He promotes various end-of-life planning and death positivity events, such as Death Cafe, and recently helped shepherd his father through hospice. He is grateful for his partner of almost twenty years and mother, both of whom support his wider work. Rory’s next and most recent project is to help establish an Australian-style “men’s shed” community center.

Chess Yellott

Comforting Polar Bear
USA • Mid Atlantic Area
Chess Yellott
“As a man among men I nourish social justice everyone has a place and a voice.”
Chess Yellott is a retired physician that fills his days saving lives at the Renovo Center, in small-town West Virginia. He also can be seen and heard advocating for people that are largely without a voice. Chess states that he does what he does because the opiate drug addicts he serves are in mortal danger, yet many don’t consider what addicts suffer from to be an illness. As a doctor of medicine, Chess challenges this view with the logic that nearly all people want to live and be happy. Opiate drug abuse is a direct threat to both, so it follows that an illness must be present.
Chess, 70, is a graduate of Tuft’s University in Boston, MA, is married since 1969 to Lynn, has a daughter, Stephanie, and lives in a small town in West Virginia. Beyond fighting addiction, overdose and discrimination, his hobbies include folk singing, and, as he jokingly states, serving as a “”entomological nutritionist.”” This last is a reference to the number of bugs he feeds via his organic gardens.

John Eichmann

Medicine Coyote
USA • Philadelphia Area
John Eichmann
“My mission is to co-create a world of love and understanding , through learning and teaching love and compassion.”
John was initiated in the Philadelphia Community in October 2013. He is an active member of the Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors at his local AA clubhouse and has been in service there since 2012. John works to help struggling alcoholics get sober and pick up the pieces of their broken lives. John has been active in SWET (Spiritual Warfare Effectiveness Training), which is a brother organization to The ManKind Project as well as an initiation weekend like the NWTA, since 2012.
He is now a member of the Board of Directors for SWET. John is also a founder and leader of the Thursday Night Warrior’s Circle in Frankford, an open men’s group that has helped many men who were addicted to drugs and alcohol heal from trauma and aided in their recovery. John is a husband and father, which he describes as his favorite form of service.

Clark Pitcairn

Golden Wolf
USA • Philadelphia Area
Clark Pitcairn
“I create a world of Love and Support by bringing Love and Support to others.”
Clark is one of the men that built the Bryn Athyn Men’s Group, which 22 years ago created the Spiritual Warrior Effectiveness Training (SWET) Men’s Weekend. Clark is a Leader on SWET weekends, held at Beaver Lake, his property in Northeastern PA. Over 1,300 men aged 13 to 84 have gone through the weekend. From its beginning, SWET reached out to the Philadelphia recovery community. The cost of SWET is discounted to men in recovery as well as to men of limited means. “Some inner-city men went to the SWET Weekend and met Clark and other men from the suburbs. They thought we would never see these men from the suburbs again. Clark and another Warrior Brother, Lach Brown, started coming, and are still coming, into the city to mentor men in a weekly men’s group, helping them grow to be better fathers and husbands and men of honor and integrity.” Clark is married, father of 4 sons, one daughter and three step sons. He is a Senior Vice President at Pitcairn Trust Company. He was a founder and the first President of The National Philanthropic Trust (NPT).

Joel Burbach

Free Falcon the Sky Dreamer
USA • Wisconsin
Joel Burbach
“I create a more connected universe by closely listening to others and myself.”
Joel has been active in the Buffalo Township and Marquette County Board Meetings, with one focus being providing better conditions for the County EMS units. He’s active in local school board meetings and with the AL Ringling Theater Board in Baraboo. He has supported the Growing Power organization in Milwaukee. Joel is active in The Garver Project, a complete renovation of an old grainery adjacent to the Ohlbrich Botanical Gardens. He is the principal developer of “The Arts” space within the project, which will serve both artists and the community. Joel lives his mission on a more earthly level by championing 6 acres of organic land in Marquette County next to the John MuirPark, creating the best possible world for both flora and fauna. He was born in January 1952 and grew up on a dairy farm in Wisconsin. In 1975 he co-Founded a Peppermint and Spearmint Project and founded the Artesian Water Company 10 years later. He shares his life with his beautiful and inspiring partner Bettina Maldini.

Greg Manning

Rainbow Dragon
UK & Ireland
Greg Manning
“I create safe spaces for myself and tribe to heal by being open hearted.”
Greg travels both the country and the world to do his work leading healing circles and sacred events. His life is packed with either hosting healing circles, or honing his skills to better facilitate future work. Whilst trying to support himself through this work, he often holds space at his own cost to further continue providing space for others.

Ronald Garrow

Brown Bear
USA • Upstate New York
Ronald Garrow
“I create a kind world through acts of kindness.”
Working with the Native American Cultural Center in Rochester, NY, Ronald helped provide education programs and workforce training to his Native American community. He actively worked to raise awareness of issues affecting Native Americans and to promote cultural sensitivity within the larger Rochester community. He tirelessly negotiated with the Mayor’s office on one such issue. His efforts bore fruit this past October when the City of Rochester celebrated its first Indigenous People’s Day. He helped increase awareness of Native American culture and issues both within the Native American community and the larger Rochester, NY community. Ronald went through his NWTA in October 2007 at Camp Whitman.

Claude Tremblay

Renard Sage (Wise Fox)
Canada • Québec
Claude Tremblay
“Je crée un monde d’inclusion, d’amour et de paix.”
Initiated at Camp Kanawana in May 2012 (during a dark time), his life changed immediately after his weekend. He lives his mission to have inner peace, in love with the universe, and well connected with all the people who are part of his life. He is leader of two circles and he has intervened to prevent multiple potential suicides.
– 3rd child in a family of 5 brothers
– co-owner of a family business
– in process of transferring his business to his sons
– in a relationship with Danielle Rioux since 1979
– He’s an LIT and Elder (in spirit)

Heinrich Reisenhofer

Tiger Hymn
South Africa • Cape Town
Heinrich Reisenhofer
“I create a world of sacred wholeness and presence through awakening and empowering.”
Coach/Shamanic Facilitator/Theatre Maker/Activist. Heinrich is the creator and director of the highly successful theatre production and movement #JustMen which was inspired by his participation in the MKP Warrior Weekend. #JustMen is an raw, honest and empowering multi-lingual, docu-drama performed by four South African men from diverse backgrounds who tell their own stories and take a stand against the epidemic of gender based violence in South Africa. For the last twenty five years Heinrich has been working with story healing both as an award-winning theatre director and now as a transformation coach and shamanic facilitator. He is passionate about empowering people to awaken healing, higher connection and workability between genders, cultures and religions. His main focus is empowering men to rediscover their scared masculine purpose and to take responsibility for transforming critical issues such as gender based violence and climate change.
To find out more: www.heinrichreisenhofer.com/justmen.htm

Michael Wilson

Benevolent Stag
USA • Heartland
Michael Wilson
“I create a compassionate world by blessing, mentoring and empowering others.”
Mike Wilson founded an architectural firm thirty years ago. He has worked to improve the built environment of his community (Topeka) and his state (Kansas) by designing and developing environmentally responsible quality projects. Wilson and his firm have made generous philanthropic contributions to multiple organizations throughout Topeka and NE Kansas. Mike has served his community by participating on multiple Boards including Habitat For Humanity; Valeo Behavioral Health, Unitarian Fellowship; Downtown Topeka, Inc; City of Topeka Building and Fire Appeals Board among others. Mike said, “I have been blessed with a great career – the second half of which has been made better with my MKP tools.” Mike recognizes that MKP has made him a better man, father, partner, husband, son and leader. He also credits his wife for her willingness to do her own work and share the MKP/HER language with him and sees that as strengthening their relationship.

Patrick Reynolds

Black Panther
USA • Los Angeles
Patrick Reynolds
“My mission is to make a difference in the world we live in.”
Patrick Reynolds worked for three decades to educate children not to smoke and helped thousands globally to quit tobacco through his group’s website and media advocacy. Former US Surgeon General Koop commented, “Patrick Reynolds is one of the nation’s most influential advocates of a smokefree America. His testimony is invaluable to our society.” In 2015 the White House and President Obama presented Patrick with the Lifetime Achievement Award . He’s a grandson of tobacco company founder RJ Reynolds, yet watched his father and oldest brother die from cigarette-induced emphysema and lung cancer. Concerned about the mounting health evidence, in 1986 he made the decision to speak out publicly in Congress against the industry his family helped build. Mr. Reynolds serves as Executive Director of the Foundation for a Smokefree America , a nonprofit group he founded in 1989. Every December he also runs Be An Elf, a Christmas charity he founded for needy children.

Monte and Theresa Brent

White Fox
USA • Central Plains
Monte and Theresa Brent
“My mission is to create a loving, caring and compassionate world by giving encouragement and respect.”
Monte and his wife Theresa, who passed away one year and four months ago, have a blended family of six children. Together, they started a JUNIOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM encouraging kids 5-18 years of age to ride bicycles to enhance health, self-motivation and confidence. There is also an opportunity to meet new friends locally and nationally. The program teaches kids how to show up in the world: “Your best is your best.” All of this helps Monte as the sole parent for their six children (including Theresa’s three children who also lost their father). Three are in middle school, two are in high school and one is a preschooler. Bicycling was and is their passion, sharing it with their children and other children is Monte’s mission.

Gareth Higgins

The Lion and The Bear
USA • Greater Carolinas
Gareth Higgins
“I co-create a peaceful world by leading and nurturing communities who learn and share a better story.”
Gareth is a storyteller and peace-builder from Northern Ireland who has made his home in the US for the last decade. He is the founder of multiple festivals (Wild Goose, Movies and Meaning, and The New Story) all emphasizing the intersection of art, spirituality, and social justice — creating communities for how we might live a better story. He is the author of several books, most recently a children’s book entitled “Cory and the Seventh Story” that teaches foundational concepts for peace-building and non-violence. He founded the Porch Magazine for folks hungry for a hopeful vision of the world. He leads trips back to his birthplace, to introduce US Americans to his peace-builder friends who are bridging a social and cultural divide after the 30-year violent conflict in the north of Ireland. The primary goal of these trips is to invite US Americans to return home and to connect with folks across lines of difference. Along with his husband, Gareth leads a monthly storytelling night focused on sustaining members of the community in a time of great cultural divisiveness.