The MKP Blog

Hear the Call, Take the Risk, Get the Rewards

We are building and supporting the emotionally mature, accountable, and compassionate male role models that our communities so desperately need. This is men's community for the 21st Century. The ManKind Project USA offers a widely recognized and respected men's...

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A Toast to 2013 – from Mike Elser, MKP USA Board Chair

A TOAST to 2013 It takes but one voice, one instrument, to begin a symphony; if the melody is powerful enough, if the words reach close enough to the heart, more voices will join in. The power of a symphony is awesome. I believe that MKP USA is that one voice for men...

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New Year 2013 – Letter from Richard Goldberg MKP USA

Brothers, This past month and a half as the MKP USA Executive Director has flown by. I’m learning about our deep MKP culture, our internal capabilities, and our ways of doing things here at MKP USA.  I’m grateful to be part of an organization helping to build and...

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Hey Oprah and Iyanla! We’re Here!

Iyanla Vanzant & Oprah Winfrey, I know you’re serious about making a difference. I am too. You’re getting ready to do a show on men raised without fathers - and you’ve made a connection to the ManKind Project in Chicago to get audience members. That’s fantastic! I...

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The ManKind Project grieves the tragedy in Newtown

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: In the wake of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary, men of the ManKind Project are here to support those affected by this traumatic event. The Northeast Area of the ManKind Project has an active community close to Newtown, and men in that area,...

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Welcome Richard Goldberg – from Mike Elser

Richard Goldberg hired as MKP USA Executive Director The News in Brief On Monday November 12, 2012, myself and the Board of Directors of MKP USA voted unanimously to accept the enthusiastic recommendation of the Executive Director Search Committee to hire Richard...

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MKP USA Unification – Corporate Info 101

MKP USA Center Corporate Info 101 Background In 2001-2003, MKP Centers were directed to incorporate as nonprofit organizations in their respective States.  As Domestic Corporations in their home State, the Centers took on certain responsibilities as required under...

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One foot on the carpet. Support Victims of Hurricane Sandy

from Mike Elser, MKP USA Chairman.  We encourage our MKP USA Members and New Warriors across the ManKind Project to make a donation, give blood, and volunteer with the Red Cross in this critical time in the northeast United States.  Your donation now can make a huge...

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Nominations Open for MKP USA Board of Directors

Brothers, The MKP USA Board of Directors is seeking men to serve on the Board, filling seats which are being vacated on 12-31-2012. Positions are: Chair Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, three (3) two-year At-Large Member board seats, and a single (1) one-year At-Large...

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Fall Membership Campaign Underway!

The ManKind Project USA FALL MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN is underway. It will run from September through the end of the year. Our goal is have over 4,000 new or renewed annual members by the end of the year. Why Membership? Because the time has come for us to fulfill the...

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Supporting Suicide Prevention Day 2012

In the ManKind Project, we support the efforts of the International Association for Suicide Prevention. International Suicide Prevention Day is Sept 10, 2012. In Eastern Maryland, the ManKind Project is coordinating a multi-site educational...

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Fallen Warrior – Lou Bergeron – New England Community

Lou Bergeron - Cardinal Died Mar. 7, 2005 while in Haiti Lou Bergeron of Portland, Maine was initiated at Bullard Farm in 1999.  Lou served as Financial Officer and lead Elder, and was extremely active in the New England and International Warrior communities. For much...

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Fund the Plan Status – 1st Half – 2012

A MESSAGE FROM MKP USA FINANCE – FUND THE PLAN STATUS We are the wise and transparent fathers we have been waiting for. In the 2nd half of 2010 through the 1st half of 2011, MKP USA, thanks to the generosity of men and centers across the country, MKP USA raised over...

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Honoring our Fallen Warrior Brothers

Sobonfu Some speaks eloquently about the value of grieving. (see the video) Grief is complex; sadness, anger, shame, fear, emptiness, even relief and joy. In the 28 year history of our New Warrior community, we have lost many men, women, and family members. Often in...

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Fallen Warrior – Phil Wolpe, Arizona Community

Phil Wolpe, Blessing Bison NWTA April 1996, Chicago I create loving, caring, supportive communities by honoring the diversity and similarities amongst all peoples. Phil Wolpe, Vice Chairman of the ManKind Project Elders, passed away on the evening of August 21, 2012...

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IT Development Update – July 6

The Next Generation of MKP USA Information Technology is coming. The system is being developed in 3 phases, with Phase 1 being the Connect System. We plan to debut Connect at the Center Council meeting in August, and release it to the masses on Sept 3. Next week we...

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Three Year Plan Announcement – MKP USA Chairman

MKP USA at the Tipping Point The Time is NOW *** This is the text of the announcement made by Mike Elser in the video. To see the strategic plan and the 3 year financials, please visit *** Hi, my name is Mike Elser. I am the Chairman...

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MKP USA FINANCE – Fund the Plan Status

A MESSAGE FROM MKP USA FINANCE – FUND THE PLAN STATUS We are the wise and transparent fathers we have been waiting for. In the 2nd half of 2010 through the 1st half of 2011, MKP USA, thanks to the generosity of men and centers across the country, MKP USA raised over...

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I-Group and Center Council Meeting Aug 9-12

For the first time! - JOINT MEETING The ManKind Project USA Joint Center Council & I-Group Council Meeting is happening in Brainerd, MN from Aug 9-12, 2012. This will be a powerful event to connect with the latest in what's happening across the ManKind Project USA...

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Unification is Underway!

[custommenu menu=UnificationMenu]from Robert Powell, Unification Chair Unification Underway After two years of discussion and planning, MKP USA’s re-unification into a single nonprofit organization begun in earnest. Impelled by the Stanford ACT II presentation...

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The Battle is On – Road Warrior Chairmen

The battle for the seat of 'top contender' among the Road Warrior Chairmen has commenced. Who's your man?  David Bauerly, the first MKP USA Chairman and one of the old guard in MKP Leadership, and Mike Elser, the current MKP USA Chairman and a much more recent entry...

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IT Development News

IT Chat with John ... The past couple of month we’ve been really busy developing and releasing some of our new websites,,, and  I wanted to take a few minutes to talk about each of these products and what they can do for...

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MKP New York Metro at Bronx Push4Peace Event

MKP NY Metro, along with Peace in the Streets representatives including Stan Koehler from the Uptown Meditation Center and Zendo participated in a first annual "Push4Peace" event in the Bronx, hosted by Hot 97FM. A report submitted by Jerry Bimka, MKP New York Metro...

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Celebrating Membership Success!

BREATHE! & LET’S CELEBRATE!! David Bauerly, past chair of MKP USA, once told me that even in the hardest and longest race it is important to look up and breathe in the victories along the way.  THIS is one of those times!  So BREATHE AND LET’S CELEBRATE. In...

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MKP USA Chairman’s ‘Front Porch’

The 1st Chairman’s Front Porch Webinar March 20, 2012 - 08:00PM - 10:00PM EST Mike Elser, MKP USA Chairman, will be hosting a webinar for the entire MKP USA community.  Its purpose will be to build a bridge, create the transparent community container by providing a...

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Check In! v.1 issue 8 – Riders & Writers

You're receiving this newsletter as a Member of MKP USA. Share this by Forwarding! Invite others to subscribe: CLICK HERE Volume 1: Issue 8 February 10, 2011 Contents GET ON YOUR BIKES AND RIDE! A Rundown of new books by MKP Men - WOW! MKP USA - Diversity Scholarship...

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Join me in bringing the work to the world …

"If not you, who?"                       Hillel the Elder Mike Elser here. If you don’t know me yet, learn more at my bio. There are many wonderful organizations in the world.  Organizations that help the poor; organizations that provide disaster relief; organizations...

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MKP USA Financial Update: Financial Integrity

A Message from MKP USA Finance – Controls, Oversight, Responsibilities and Integrity We are the wise and transparent fathers we have been waiting for Is MKP USA operating in financial integrity? Yes and increasingly every day. MKP USA controls and oversight standards...

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Celebrating Success in 2012 – January Edition

As we move into February, I invite us all to take a moment and BREATHE.  Let's take in the victories of the past month.  For some of you this is year 2 or 3 as a Center Director.  For many others this is the the end of MONTH ONE!  BREATHE! Here are some of our...

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MKP USA Finance Update – Fund the Plan

A MESSAGE FROM MKP USA FINANCE – FUND THE PLAN STATUS We are the wise and transparent fathers we have been waiting for. In the 2nd half of 2010 through the 1st half of 2011, MKP USA raised, thanks to the generosity of men and centers across the country, over...

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Joe Badalamenti – New MKP USA Enrollment Coordinator

Joe Badalamenti here, Checking in with Joy and Gratitude to be your new MKPUSA enrollment Coordinator! My passion is to help and support enrollment efforts in your communities. I follow many wonderful and dedicated brothers before me in this role who have also given...

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David Bauerly – Chairman’s Final Report 2011

Remember who you are. Everybody else is taken. It has been a distinct privilege to serve as the first chairman of MKP-USA. I find it a bit hard to believe the universe has conspired to allow me this experience in my lifetime. I am blessed indeed. There is no give away...

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Glenn Barker on Cable Access Chicago

From Glenn Barker MKP Chicago Center Director This is reproduced from the original article on the ManKind Project Journal. A Journey into Leadership I was invited for an interview as Executive Director of ManKind Project Chicago recently on the show "Public...

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MKP USA Chair David Bauerly honors Dr. Robert Moore

In closing remarks at the MKP USA Council Meeting held on Friday December 9, 2011, MKP USA Chairman David Bauerly took a moment to honor Dr. Robert Moore, author of numerous books on the male psyche such as "King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes...

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A Solstice Message from the Chair-Elect, Mike Elser

The Winter Solstice occurs Wednesday, December 21 at 05:30 UTC.  In the Northern Hemisphere, the Winter Solstice marks the longest dark of night followed by the shortest light of day of the entire year. For me, this time of year is a time to reflect on the light and...

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ManKind Project USA elects 3 At-Large Board Members

The ManKind Project USA Board met on December 9-10, 2011 to conduct the business of MKP USA and to elect officers and board members for the next year or two year terms. The Board elected three At-Large Board Members for 2 year terms. Read the full bios of the men...

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MKP USA Re-Elects Vice Chairman Robert Oser for 2012

On December 10, 2011 Robert Oser was re-elected to the role of Vice Chairman for the ManKind Project USA Board for another year of service. You can read Bob's full resume and statement: CLICK HERE Why I’m Standing I would not be standing for this position were it not...

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MKP USA Elects New Chairman – Mike Elser

On Saturday December 10, 2011 - the ManKind Project USA Board, by a unanimous vote, elected Mike Elser to serve as the MKP USA Board Chairman for 2012. Mike has a long career of leadership and business expertise that began in the Army and continued through a...

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The First 50 Days …

a note from David Lang, the Executive Director I am humbled and grateful to serve as your executive director of the ManKind Project USA.  My first day on the job was August 1st, and it has been a very busy first 50 days. I am awed by the passion and heart so many men...

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Campaigning for our Future

The ManKind Project USA is now in a period of growth and change.  We are upgrading communications, business systems and governance to better serve MKP communities across the country.  This will result in better support for I-Groups, improved enrollment, more...

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Support World Suicide Prevention Day

WORLD SUICIDE PREVENTION DAY- SEPTEMBER 10, 2011 “Fight Back The Darkness” To the men of The ManKind Project: The Mental Health Resource Team invites and urges you to participate in World Suicide Prevention Day.  On September 10, groups, communities, and organizations...

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New Executive Director takes the Reins in MKP USA

From the MKP USA Chair, David Bauerly: Our new Executive Director for MKP USA, David Lang, is on the job. Aug 1st was his first day and I could not be more thrilled. Another great opportunity for us to celebrate! Too often I get caught up in the work ahead and what...

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the IT Factor – Welcome John Bacon

The ManKind Project USA has brought on the next staff member in pursuit of our Structuring for Sustainability efforts. John Bacon of the North Texas MKP Community has accepted a position as our new Information Technologies Director. John will be helping MKP to...

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Healthy Bridges for Evolving Masculinity

Last week, we celebrated some truly spectacular news. David Lang will be stepping in to the Executive Director Role for MKP-USA on August 1, 2011. You can go and congratulate him HERE. We also celebrated the success of the Fund the Plan Initiative. Bill Kauth has...

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Blessings from Bill – our success and our future!

Bill Kauth recorded this video to celebrate and mark MKP-USA reaching our Fund the Plan goal. He discusses his initial fears and the process he used to move through his fear to a place of trust and celebration. He also lays out some of the Structuring for...

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David Lang – MKP-USA’s Incoming Executive Director

The strategic professionalization of MKP has made its next leap forward. We are proud to announce that David Lang has accepted the position as the Executive Director for the ManKind Project, USA, to begin on August 1, 2011. David has a powerful history of leadership...

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$400k! We did it! and the Journey Continues

From David Bauerly, Chairman of MKP-USA Men, We are at a historic moment. I hope you have your name on the list of nearly 500 men, and centers, who have helped us to raise $400,000.00. Men from every single center have invested in our future. The number Monday was $...

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Fund the Plan – the finish line – Help!

Here is the Status of Fund the Plan at this moment - 12:10AM Saturday Morning, April 2. We are indeed REALLY "Knockin' at the DOOR!" EVERYTHING that has come in has been counted. There is NO hold back. AND WE ARE CLOSE and we are NOT THERE YET! Every Man who has...

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Note from a 27 year old man

I just donated $10 online to Fund the Plan. The matching offer good through the end of the week makes it $15! I make up that my measly $10 won't make a difference. That's my shadow, and it keeps me small. Today I chose to participate, to invest in something. And I...

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